In this video Pastor Dana Coverstone shares a detailed description of the attack on Lady Liberty leading to her death.


  1. Let us repent NOW. Turn to the Lord, surrender to Him completely. Pray and read the word of God daily. Talk to others about Jesus, strengthen each other as Christians. Time is fast approaching. God is coming and with Him, judgement!

  2. Sooo sad. I am reminded of the song, My Country Tis of thee, sweet land of Liberty…. God is removing His blessing and it hurts deeply to know this. Yet, He is a JUST God and judgement MUST come. I hope the Lord also gives you dreams of what comes after. There IS goodnews, as well. Lord Jesus, America has been such a tremendously blessed nation. We failed to see and understand the depths of the evil one's work. We failed You and we failed America. We also failed the world as we were also the beacon of hope for others, for countries, for continents. Father, in Jesus's mighty name, thank You for revealing these things through your servant, Pastor Coverstone. Pastor, thank you for obeying. May those of us who the Holy Spirit quickens be able to obey as well. You have provided us with the example. May you find comfort and peace, Pastor.

  3. This man's prophecies are not prophetic, they are Pathetic. Wake up and stop listening to someone who is so depressing. He never speaks anything positive, only drab things. Basically it is an attention getter. The Gospel of Jesus Christ is comprised of Salvations, Healings, Deliverance, Empowerment of the Holy Spirit, and Evangelism. This guy needs to be preaching the Real Gospel and not trying to build his audience on you tube etc. He doesn't have real life but he can get one if He repents and starts living for the real Lord Jesus Christ! Get with it Mr. Coverstone, you're boring!

  4. What the American Christians don't realise, is that Lady Liberty is not a good thing. Lady Liberty is a principality over America, a fallen angel. If you can see in the spiritual realm, you will know this.
    This is why the Bible tells us not to make any statues, because they are deception.

  5. Jesus died because of your sins/signs/signatures YOU legal/league-hell death cult followers/fall-lowers. Don’t get left behind…

    It’s illegal to use a legal name! You are breaking all 10 commandments with your contract to Satan’s legal name fraud. The church teaches it backwards. Stop worshipping idols! Google/read/share the #BCCRSS or continue to go along with the rape/enslavement/murder of humanity. Tick… tock… ⌛️⚖️🔥


    Mark of the beast = Legal name

    Corona = Crown(Corporation)

    Covid/GovI.D. 📢

  6. America has become a God hating country. We have kicked him out and his word, the Bible. America is LONG OVERDUE for judgement. I no longer pray for America, I pray for judgement. I believe it is time for God to destroy America. May her judgement come quickly and her destruction be 100%. So be it.

  7. Elohim is using the deep state, Illuminati to bring in the beast system, NWO. This is in Revelation, Babylon the fallen. I will pray for everyone, from Canada. It will happen here too. Armor-Up, and get on your knees, EVERY-ONE.

  8. How sad it is that this great country, whom our ancestors came to for refuge from Christian persecution, is now becoming a land hostile to Christians. There is not a nation like America in Revelation, a nation that values life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. I do believe America is going to fall, but even so, Heaven, not America, is our home. May the Lord bring in the rest of the harvest and may we be bright lights for Him whatever comes. Love in Christ <3

  9. 9-9-20 Update concerning the latest dream that Coverstone posted yesterday concerning the take-down of the Statue of Liberty:

    It is pretty evident what is going on here. In June, God gave Dana Coverstone some alarming dreams to wake up the Church to the Enemy’s plan and current actions to absolutely destroy this nation. (I heard Coverstone report that a TV station contacted him a month after the his initial dreams and told him that according to YouTube stats that they had access to, his initial dream had been viewed over 300 million times. This has to be an instance of God’s multiplication! I have never ever heard of such a thing happening in the Church.) After God had gotten our attention and we were re asking, “What should we do?” God gave Coverstone the directional dream for the Church to call a “Solemn September Assembly.” Now, over a week into September, with the almost zero response to this call of God, He sends this new and dire dream to Coverstone to shake us out of our complacency and slumber! I realize that a few are making some effort to respond to this call, but I don’t know of anybody who is answering God’s direction to call a solemn assembly for the MONTH of September. THERE IS NOTHING BUT THE CHURCH THAN CAN STOP THE ABSOLUTE IMMINENT DESTRUCTION OF THIS NATION!

  10. Pastors vision means to ME is what is found in Lady Liberty hand ,it is proof Positive to me in its symbolism that our Founders understood who all along We The People are to battle it is EVIL ,
    my view of his dream is that We The People put up the Fight of our Lives for LIFE ,LIBERTY and The PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS
    We The People lose but WE FIGHT To The Bitter End .
    The Declaration of Independence
    clearly articulates that We The People Suffer evil ,
    an the pieces of Silver reflect the payoff of for the
    By The Poolitical bands who have sold their souls to the Master of LIES .
    My Fellow Americans for years I have articulated that EVIL has to be confronted
    By We The People ,
    Theodore Roosevelt calls the Hyphenated Americans out and the the ol rough rider articulates them as non Americans to me they are the evil we are to face , He wrote a book and it is what has happen to our Republic
    FEAR GOD and Take Your Own Part .
    Pastor Coverstone GOD has shown you in my humble opinion that We The People are NOT TO ACCEPT the Chains upon our BACKS in your Dream you have enforced my firm Belief that we are to FIGHT EVIL and face the fact We Lose But We Are To Fight The Good Fight .your Heart felt Statement of your Willingness to Fight the GOOD FIGHT again in my Humble Opinion is proof to we who understand the WHY we must show the World aka MANKIND
    Americas Last Stand is to the Final BELL .
    My fellow Americans the contest begins when the Lights go out
    The Cause Is for The Sprit of 76 the proof to the world that We Are FREE to Choose here in our Little corner of the world FREEDOM ,
    I have always felt GOD wanted AmericanS to prove to ourselves We are not cowards against Capital EVIL and We only FEAR GOD
    And there comes a Season when War is unavoidable
    GOD has Blessed us with his Sprit of 76 and he does not want we few to just give it away to the fear of evil for it is only of this world
    We are the STORM

  11. "Latter Rain 333" channel, has a video from a few days ago, titled "Clarion Call turns to War cry: Spiritual Warfare". And it's about a prophetic word from the Lord that she received to AVERT a coming catastrophe/event, sounding the alarm like never before…..for ALL Christians to RISE UP in prayer battle against the enemy!! To WAKE UP and join this fight, and not to sit on the sidelines!! Put on the Full Armor of God, PRAY PRAY PRAY and keep PRAYING for God's intervention and Mercy and Grace!!

  12. oh wow
    This makes me cry for our country ~ wow wow
    Sadly hard, bad times are probably coming for America, and world.
    I will share this out. ~ I think God is trying to get people
    to Ponder WHERE We are ~ These Days ~ wow
    And our Lives ~ how we are living.
    Thank you for sharing Melissa. ~ am sharing this out.

  13. Brother America hand is full of innocent blood world wide. Your government did it . You believers in silent watched it. America is mystery BABYLON and the Bible clearly told us America will banish with in one hr. You evangelicals allowed this evil man called Trump who went and blaspheme God by holding the Christian Bible upside down calling its Bible. He came out and said he is the chosen one. If Obama was the one who did this what will the church would say??? Minded you I hated Onama as well my self. Amerca you are ushering the Antjchrist Trump refuse to repent. There will not be any revival. You choose the Second Hitler Trump. Jesus has to destroy him.

  14. 8-8-20 like it or not this is what the Lord says IAM going to set the church back on it's heels SHOCK AND AWE are you prepared you better be outer court Christian's are not going to make it through I can no longer have you married to the world system come out of her My people you have had one foot in the world and one foot in the grave for far too long My judgements will awaken a remnant have I not said be holy as I am Holy be perfect as My Father is perfect you have no excuse America is under judgement to much innocent blood has been spilt to many children have passed through the fire you are a modern day Sodom and Gomorrah I have heard the cry of My people justice justice justice injustice must be met with justice America is insolent showing a rude lack of respect. Everything we have been through so far is just a dress rehearsal an EPOCH is fixin to occur Hebrews 6:5 is an EPOCH one part of this is a changing of the guard is coming. Much of the body of Christ has married herself to the world she is in a STUPOR drunk on the wine of the world. Stupor is a lack of critical mental function and a level of unconsciousness wherein the affected person is almost entirely unresponsive and only responds to intense stimuli such as pain.

  15. It is true that America gets destroyed but not until almost the very end. And we have not even got to the tribulation yet.So take it easy there Pastor ok you got people believing that come the end of the year or so it's all over for America. And of course it's not don't set no date they will come back and bite you in the but.God bless Amen.

  16. Amen Daughter Babylon will fall because of all of my Israel’s slain Jeremiah 51:49 Jeremiah 51:24 before my eyes he will repay my sister Jezebel the real Daughter Babylon for all the wrong lies done to me Israel! It’s written revelation 19 God will give her a cup filled with the fury of his wrath it’s coming Lord is faithful to me and his word. Zechariah 12 states Jerusalems enemies to be destroyed lord will come through show them all how Jezebel set me up but that witchs end is coming all I can do is be nice lord keeps his words

  17. I have to share a word from 2006 about the Statue of Liberty. I attended a woman's bible study in Tulsa Oklahoma and at one of our meetings in 2006, we had a woman guest speaker. She was from a middle eastern country where there is great persecution against Christians. And they met in an underground church for prayer meetings. She said they received several words about the United States. She said God has been warning America through events like 9/11 and Katrina, but the church wakes up only for a little while and then goes back to sleep. She said America needs to repent! And she said if the churches in America don't repent God will send a sign..she said when "the head/crown comes off the Statue of Liberty" it means America has lost it's freedom and it did not obey God. She went on to say "western women" were busy with "frivolous" things and were not being about the business of the Lord in their homes. She also said, the Lord told them (2006) that "California" has been warned..she said God didn't tell them to say not to pray for California, but she insisted God said it has been warned and the cup of his wrath is full. I wrote all these notes down back then. I remember leaving that gathering under such conviction. We have been so spoiled in this nation.

  18. Clouds of Secret
    May this bless you SUPERABUNDANTLY Beyond measure-tissues fo sure ♥️👑🩸🕊🔥🙇🏼‍♀️💐🐴🦋

    Prophetic Word for the 10th of September 2020
    Prophetic Word for the 10th of September 2020 – Cloud of Secrets

    I am coming down to you in a cloud of secrets. You will see it as a dark cloud but do not be afraid. My holiness is within and you only see it as darkness because you cannot see into the realm of the Kingdom.

    I am coming in the cloud to connect with you, to give you revelations and to send you resources and blessings. When Heaven opens and my dark shadow will fall onto you be ready to receive me.

    Cloud of Secrets

    I can pull you into the cloud and we can go wherever I wish but you cannot open the door nor enter the cloud on your own. There is a divide in place that you can not cross.

    However I will open the door for my true sons and daughters and you will see the cloud and shadow coming for you. In this cloud we will become one and I can finally embrace you again as my returned prodigal son or daughter.

    Cloud of Secrets

    There are teachings out there about my secret place but they do not come close to the reality that my secret place is the realm of the Kingdom and that you all can have access to it.

    It requires maturity and great faith to believe that you can walk in the garden of my Kingdom but that is the place where I will call you to. I will open the door and you will see my cloud of secrets coming to cover you. Stand ready to walk with me in the garden of the Kingdom.

    Triple Grace (YT)

  19. Thanks for the link to AA Allen's prophecy. I had no idea such prophecies go back so far. The earliest I've heard concerning destruction of America is Dimitru Duduman prophecies from '80s. The '50s was the time when America began to resolutely turn away from God, taking out school prayers. So its makes sense that God would raise up Allen to sound the trumpet.

  20. Some of these comments are really sad. Instead of taking heed to this man’s dream there is applauding in agreement with the demise of our country. We do need to repent and seek God but that should drive us to desperation as the BOC to stand in the gap and seek The Lord Jesus Christ like no other time. Many of us will regret the response that we have given if such things happen. We will wish we would have done more.

  21. This is what happens when everyone starts worshipping satan and killing kids and children trafficking is a huge problem in all states yes it's all over people.should have repented and turned back too.jesus but they are lovers off self and sin and.still.think they have moral ground and watch fake news and won't change and are full off pride although I know alot off good people I feel bad for the kids I mean we all let.are government.get taken over by satan and didn't care even worshipped them I woke up and saw it all 6 years ago but people still want Biden in office there is something wrong with people they have nothing but hate in there hearts I'm praying but someday destroyed.but not yet

  22. Maybe the brother's interpretation should be observed in another way.
    And why is he weeping for the fate of that abominable image? A pagan goddess.
    Silver represents redemption.
    Lady Liberty is a pagan image of mythology. Take a closer look at the statue's features. It has Apollyonic androgyne features. The freemasons honor lady Liberty.
    Maybe the Lord is going to judge the gods and idolatry in the land and they will try to keep the idolatry afloat, those haters of God and His Son. Many worships the almighty dollar and they say they love GOD. Hit their bank account or pocketbook. You'll soon know where their love really is. They worship the celebrities and prefer to listen to the guy with the glitz and fame, and not to the man of God with the Bible in his hands in the street corners.
    God had to judge the idols of Egypt before His People were free.
    Then the redemption of souls will come.


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