Receive Godly instructions and insights on how to live in the revelation of the declaration as you watch this video. God bless you.


  1. "There's a move to impoverish nations".
    That's a BIG understatement.

    Many people/christians are oblivious to what is happening and coming.
    And the aim is to implement a globally mandatory CDBC system. A form of financial system that will control every aspect of your life

  2. The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ the love of God is increasing as we all spread the Word of God 🙏 with love and patience in our communities especially amongst those who are ignorant of what is happening in the world 🌍 . Again thanks to Pastor Chris and all the contibutors to informing our Nations our God will answer our prayers hallelujah 🙏 Manaledi 🎇


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