Some battles are impossible to win but it doesn’t stop us from fighting. What do you do when you’ve tried everything and still can’t …


  1. " All things are possible with God " Paul,. One of the first things I learned as a child was never give up. I've been through addiction and I had to fight whenever the temptations would arrive. Thinking l won't go out too far this time. No go. Because I would listen to the suggestions given by the liar ( the father of all lies ) .I finally had to stop listening to it's suggestions and keep my focus on the Truth that l had learned . Please watch out for these erroneous suggestions . Truth and Love ( God ) is available at all times 🙏👍

  2. Wawooooo this was powerful while watching this ( from watching the Battle within) The scripture that popped in my mind was Who the son sets free is Free indeed we overcome by a binding in the Lord. 😂

  3. Yes, God will break free anyone who believes and puts his faith and trust in Jesus Christ! My addictions no longer owned me when I placed my entire being, my heart, upon my Savior….. Reading and meditating on His word and prayer are my lifelong "addictions" – I am free!

  4. This is an old problem. Past cultures would take the boys down to the icy river for a swim. A few hundred years later, the father figure in there lives would take them for walk and have the "talk" with them. The recent generations have a new problem. Instant access to all types in the palm of your hand. 24/7. Worldwide. As a father, this is difficult to work with. Like having a liquor fountain in the dining room. It's always there. To easy to get. No one will notice. Just a little sip. Just one more. Just tied. JUST LEAVE ME ALONE! Then the problem is there. Try to hide it. Try to fix it on your own. Can't get the help. Can't ask for help. Pride. Shame. Fear.

    This is a problem. Not going to be easy to fix. It will hurt. Just pray the ones you love will be there when it is done.

  5. God bless and Amen to that! So happy for you and all those who are willing to make a change for the better. Thank God ! Thank God! Very powerful movie and testimony!❤


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