You might find yourself fighting a battle or carrying out a mission you never would have chosen. You may even be like Simon, …


  1. God is good I told you guys i'd be back with JEsus having the victory in hand over my money loss and rent battle i am glad to report i lost my job but I have all the money I lost for the rent made up again ahead of time and I'm not going anywhere but up!!! PRAise God!!!! Thank you!!!

  2. Thank you Jesus for using Bishop once again to help me understand me better you know my descendants and I feel like this message gave me a little more understanding thank you for also reminding me that you gave me this church home Amen

  3. I promise Bishop this message was all about my life and the God given heart placed inside of me that doesn’t give up I have been present for many battles Jesus Christ won in my life and He carried me so much I tell you I thank Him for the breath of life in me

    Yes often I expected fairness but I have come to understand some of us are here to create a balance by carrying suffering and pain and while in the midst of this struggle we always give thanks and tell the people around us God Jesus and the Holy Soirit are really there and want to have a relationship with them


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