“In the 1820s and 30s, Christianity in America looked more or less like it did in Protestant Europe in the centuries that followed the …


  1. I had two friends from my church that died of Covid. They died because they got Covid, if they had not gotten Covid, they would not have died. I'm not defending staying closed for 2 years, but I don't understand the judgmental attitude, especially when you consider the early days when nobody understood what Covid was.

  2. 0:06: ⛪️ Evolution of Christian worship in America from standard Orthodoxy to revivalism and drawing near to God's presence.
    5:00: ⛪ The importance of public and communal worship in the church, emphasizing the corporate nature of different elements.
    9:57: 📺 Comparison of church closures during challenging times based on their theological leanings.
    14:42: 🎤 Exploration of individualistic consumerist views on church choices and obligations.
    19:43: 💰 Wealthy elite benefiting from societal changes at the expense of the majority, leading to inevitable consequences.
    24:23: ⛪ The importance of God's people coming together as a new testament Temple to draw near to Him.
    28:58: 🕊️ Silent congregation, minimal participation, and lack of communion in modern worship compared to Roman Catholicism.
    34:00: 💬 Exploring the significance of pastors' attire and the dangers of consumeristic mindsets in churches.
    38:56: 🔑 Mainline churches in the late 1700s were targeted by Satan for their cultural and religious power.
    43:25: ⚠️ Women in combat pose a danger to themselves and others due to physical limitations and potential risks of betrayal.
    48:20: ⚔️ Worship should be viewed as spiritual warfare, with believers gathering as God's army to chant war songs and receive orders to conquer.

    Timestamps by Tammy AI

  3. The way you are talking about Christs body is so 😢upsetting. “This part of the body kicked the butt of this part of the body.” Go back to the drawing board guys. Stop judging other peoples worship, there is no worship in this video. So sad. Perhaps the time making this video to sell product to the Church would be better spent on your knees praying for The Church?

    How can we correct others for selling a Sunday product while at the same time selling a product. I am grieving this video. Love you my brothers but you have a blind spot equal to the blind spots you are pointing out in others.

  4. You said the conservative church was only closed for 4 weeks but the right church was never closed you guys need to draw closer to God and you need to read the scripture in Acts that says the baptism of the holy spirit is for all those afar off all those that God will call and God has been calling all men to repentance seek God seek God's perfect will seek to be his disciple seek to be his apostle you're a pastor our pastor still in operation then Apostles are still in operation seek God and be very careful when you talk about men who went to the woods and got on their knees and saw God for the Salvation of souls like Charles Finney least God show you in a bad way to shut your mouth

  5. An evangelical family member, upon hearing that we were catechizing our young children, said, “Isn’t that a Catholic thing?” We had to inform that individual that the Catholic Church started catechizing their people because the Protestants did it first. The lack of church history knowledge is sad. The ignorance surrounding the use of confessions is another common issue.

  6. I agree with you guys on some things, disagree on others, and am grateful for things you make me think about.
    Do you honestly believe people who don’t agree with you on things like this are heretics? Because that’s beyond disagreement on a Biblical issue, even on one with real consequences. That’s claiming they don’t belong to Jesus. If that’s honestly what you believe, that you’re being definitional and not just insulting, that’s fine. For the record, I’m with you that we’ve gotten away from God-centered worship. But you seem to wield the term “heretic” like the left does the term “Nazi.” It’s really off-putting.

  7. Calling Finney “Seeker-sensitive” if a great way to announce your ignorance or dishonesty.

    “Finney preached and sometimes the whole congregation would get up and leave. That’s good preaching!” – Leonard Ravenhill

    ”Finney never made an altar call within the first twenty eight nights of preaching. Most of our evangelists don’t have twenty eight sermons. Twenty eight nights in a row and he never made an altar call. He didn’t preach the love of God. He didn’t say ‘you’re a sinner, God loves you.’ He said ‘God is angry with the wicked every day’ which the Word of God says. He didn’t preach grace, he preached Law. He didn’t preach love, he preached judgment. He didn’t preach heaven, he preached hell. He didn’t say ‘you’re a wonderful person’ he said ‘you’re a rebel’. But he got results.” – Leonard Ravenhill

  8. Worship can be anytime, however GOD never changes! How can you pick and choose which laws you have to follow? Do not commit adultery is more important than have no other gods before me? Do not steal is more important than remember the sabbath (which GOD established in genesis). I don't understand.

  9. Very good talk. The only disturbing aspect is the unBiblical infatuation with one of the leading idols of our time in alcohol/wine. If you can practice sound hermeneutics and repent of that sin you guys will be awesome.

  10. Nobody in America owns property, they just rent it from the government. Try doing something with 'your' property that goes against the zoning laws, or decide to not pay the property tax because you don't like most of it going to the local child indoctrination centers, and you will find out fast who REALLY owns your house and land!

  11. Even the words " you're going to be disappointed" in heaven when you can't romanticize Jesus by yourself is just so wrong. Do you know the completeness God brings. His restoration and love will not leave someone disappointed in something they thought and were wrong about. You are going to be exactly where and who you were always seen to be. If anything you will be laughing at how silly or wrong some of our ideas on things are lol. Praise Jesus he is the good Shepherd with a good plan

  12. Great discussion men. I spent most my life in an SBC church, mostly in small town Kentucky and a few years at an ABA church, so I understand everything you men spoke of. You men give me hope for the future of Christianity.

  13. I know It's not something to laugh about but I couldn't contain myself hearing Joel say in such a calm voice "purple haired female lesbian pastor". He said it in such a normal tone as if it's nothing out of the ordinary for the current times we are in.

  14. I agree that we don’t have thoughts that are original in the sense of brand new, but we don’t have to have the same thought patterns that others have who constructed the confessions.
    I line up very closely with John MacArthur and I see these things in scripture. Yet I don’t hold to all of his views as I disagree with him on a couple of points.
    As we need to give a defence for what we believe to others and the Lord I don’t believe we just phone it in with tradition and let our witness and testimony be co-opted by tradition, that’s very Roman Catholic and not very discerning.

  15. I'll just ask this here. I was just watching today's sermon about Ezra and while listening, it was made private and I couldn't continue. I also noticed an earlier Ezra sermon is now private. I'm wondering what happened here. And the website is a month behind 😢

  16. Christians are Jews (Romans 2 28 29), the Israel of God (Galatians 6 16), Abrahams seed, and heirs of the promise "I will bless those that bless you, and curse those that curse you" (Galatians 3 29), Gods chosen people, and a holy nation (1 Peter 2 9), Levite priests, and the Jewish people. There are people claiming to be all those things but because they don't believe in Jesus they are lying; they are the synagogue of satan (rev 2 9 3 9), and their country is the Israel of the devil.

    Revelation 13 is about Israel of satan, and the mark of the beast is the hexagram. The first beast is the messiah of the synagogue of satan religion. His name will likely be king Solomon. Rev 13 is also the last kingdom of Daniel 2, and 7. Don't be a beast worshipper.

  17. Definitely click bait. You had the opportunity with that title to expose dangerous doctrines taught by those three wolves and you opted instead to discuss liturgy and the role of women in the church, and never mention them.

  18. 36:01. The discussion about truth, reality and AI is one of the greatest concerns for today's Christians. We have a terrible formula thrown upon us today: AI technologies + man's sinful nature = the destruction of truth. It's becoming increasingly difficult (if not impossible) to know what's real and what is not. I see this all the time, on FB, Pinterest, YT, etc., where I suspect only a small minority of the photos/videos I see are real and/or truthful. This is a HUGE concern for Christians. Jesus IS truth, yet we are inundated with falsehoods every day. Our churches and our weekly services must be the exact opposite of what our culture is becoming. Church should be REAL when our world is not.


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