School Regrets Trans Pronoun Rule After Christian Dad Tells His Pronouns. fter the school board passed a “transgender-affirming …


  1. California and Oregon just passed laws that they can take your child and have the operation done to one behind your back without your consent then they'll be put in the foster care system the US is getting worse and worse

  2. And they pretty much took away the constitutional right in school now your school nurse can prescribe you an antidepressants will find your parents back along with hormone treatments you know sterilizing minors yeah

  3. You are under no obligation to devalue your self by feeding into someone else’s healthy or unhealthy Ness of the mind to make them feel better or people can stop worrying about how others feel and how they make them feel like this dude is this is all be over, but it’s not about existing in fairness it’s about making a spectacle in contamination of the youth or else there would be no argument inspections. The second trying to be left alone.

  4. Trans girls are girls, trans boys are boys, end of story. Children who are not allowed to go by there prefeard names and pronouns are more likely to suffer from depresion and anxiety, this is a well known fact. It is respectful to the student. Children need to learn in a safe enviornment where they can be themselves. It is so crazy how people can be this stupid. Do your research.

  5. You know this is highly against the law and child abuse on it's highest rank and we all should put an end to this sex-ualizing our children and without the parents being ask no to be in the room so the doctor can be private with out the parents present No and I mean No this should be Allowed to continue!!! In American Schools, this is so wrong on so many levels and it must be stopped!! Sooner than later and the people involved on all levels should be taken to court on this issue Immediately by the people of America, because if the American people Mom’s and Dad’s of these children really understood the magnitude of the child abuse taken place on their beloved children in our America Schools all across our Country knew this was going on and a becoming sex-ualizing our little innocent children, and it is becoming rampant all across our country, it's a cancer that must be cut out of our society and we must protect the minds of our little children we must protect them at all cost!!!. It’s Physically, Mentally, Physiologically harming and confusing the children mentally mind bending and warping their minds. This is clearly un deniably without question or doubt Child Abuse on so many levels, the people who are involved in this crime against children must be taken into court!! It’s the only way to stop the people who are involved, the people of America have better make a choice right away no time to waist, if they want kind of society in America. Good ole family values raising pillars of Society or a society that is plagued their next generation of young adults plagued with mental illness. Times running out!! And the WOLF’S are on the move ALL Across America Schools, perpetrating Crimes against our innocent children the next generation. America needs to quickly make a decision on (what do they really want for their children? And what do they want for their country?

  6. Our language is set and everyone is expected to use it without replacing words in it on individual demands. Trends may be substituted at the speaker's choice, but the core remains acceptable in order for large populations who speak that language, and learn it as a second language, to communicate meaningfully and efficiently. It takes enough gratuitous work to get meaning when a poor learner of this core language tries to use it, but it does not work the other way around when individuals want to deviate from a language that is not broken, but can tolerate majority trends through the years. There is no trend that allows for arbitrary demands made at the listener's level. No speech that expresses a person's thoughts is allowed to be banned by those who simply do not want to hear what others are saying, especially when they use the language as it was established and accepted all over the planet. The burden of communication is on the speaker. The speaker and only the speaker can determine if that communication was received correctly. It is not the right of a listener to change the words coming out of the speaker's mouth. This is simply absurd and is the problem of the individual when that individual fails to interpret the messages being relayed to that individual. That individual is expected to learn language and should stop deviating from it. There is no power given to the listener to change the speaker's message. The listener can only reject or accept the message at will. The speaker does not have to accept the rejection of his words, nor can the speaker force the message onto the listener. That's that. Join in the conversation or discard it. Those are the choices. If your desire is to communicate with people, don't complicate it and listen to the message others are contributing. If you want to customize what you hear, talk to yourself.

  7. So then it sounds like his kids pronouns would be she for Queen and he for king it’s pretty simple. And everyone uses pronouns they prefer for example that idiot father uses he/his/him pronouns cause he identifies as a cis male- or is he ok being called she/her? Probably not so yes, sir, you too choose pronouns to go by

  8. Yeah I am just gonna call people who misgender others the wrong name its basically the same thing but not on a biological level.. Gender is brain sex can differ from biological sex.. Biological sex isn't event binary.. Biology isn't controlled and doesn't care about religion or small brain cost me nothing to use pronouns if I mess up the first time I will correct myself and stop because then I would be acting an emotionally stunted weirdo who didn't grow out of being an uneducated bully :3
    Discriminatory people have a genital obsession and quite frankly it's odd..
    Neopronouns aren't even used that much and I can't imagine how they hurt transphobes feelings more than actual trans people

  9. If it were just women dressing as men thered be very little issue- its the men dressing as woman who cant help being men bc thats what they are underneath and want to control others-they use it as role play and imo another way to take back what women have gained. Watching Jeopardy, it was clearly a man dressed as a woman who cleaned up game after game to break so many records lol as a woman – its degrading to all who are involved- in your mind identify as you like but dont tell me or anyones kids how you identify, be for real in what you expect – im expected to be civil either way. Maybe those who cannot help but play extreme dressup need another category- form yr own sports leagues etc and compete against each other without dragging anyone else into whats clearly not normal, not fair, not honest in its current form. I have no hate but i am trying to empathize – stop trying to judge my capacity for acceptance by pushing my credulity too far

  10. We are being distracted from the truth in every way and as long as they distract us from the truth then they can hit us when we least expect it and it's about to happen. Turn to Jesus Christ everybody and Tell this country that it needs to repent, Jesus Christ is your only escape. Never in the history of America has it ever been so evil and deceptive, There is people well up and age saying the same thing in their seventies or eighties and nineties, Saying never in their lifetime have They ever seen such deception. You cannot go against the law of creation and actually expect anything good to come from it

  11. Unfortunately, white male colonialism is too embedded in the culture. To make sure that everyone has equal access to an education, we have to state and restate specific boundaries and expectations. That is basic healthy relationship skills in action. Learning is not just reading and forcing data retention; rather, it is a positive supportive environment that cultivates the foundation of character nessesary to become well adjusted socially in an academic setting. It's super important and a cornerstone to cultivating people who respect and honor the need for integrity in information and science that takes us toward the future.

  12. I'm sorry but this is so dumb. The argument "fuck what the students pronouns are because I'm an adult that doesn't wanna take the time to be respectful of those" isn't really a valid argument. It isn't hard. Stop pretending it is because of your rhetoric. It is only hard for the small minority of transphobes who act as if they don't give a single shit about trans identifying people. Especially since pronouns are used in everyday language and are also used to to describe cis people as well.

    Plus pronouns are also things like you, it, mine, and us. Stupid close minded transphobes often times forget this very basic preschool level fact. These are the same people who will get mad about the "book banning" in Florida then proceed to try and ban pronouns all together which adds to a child's education further just because some adults have '"views" about trans people.

    You forget man. You forget that pronouns are used to also describe non trans people as well. Pronouns are also WAYYYY beyond stuff other than just He/Him, She/Her or They/Them (Which a lot of people use they/them pronouns everyday to describe a single person without realizing it while proceeding to complain why they won't use those pronouns despite using them in the same sentence as they're bitching about it. Actually seen this happen several dozens and dozens of times.)

    Just because you as an adult have an anti trans agenda, doesn't mean you should limit a child's education on the proper use of pronouns by trying to quite literally BANISH proper language that's been used for thousands of years to describe EVERYONE of all backgrounds. Not just trans people. Just SAY what you mean man. Pronouns in general are not the issue, your issue is HAVING an issue with trans people. You're scared of trans people existing. Henceforth the term transphobic.

    Affirming trans youth and using pronouns isn't a problem and isn't going to harm you or your children. It's just adults with an agenda demonizing the concept of being trans. People are taught hatred. Children who grow up with those types of people learn those values and become hateful themselves. You have to let kids discover themselves for themselves. All you can do is love your kids and support them and if you're worried they're making the wrong decision. Take them to therapy. Educate yourself in the medical and scientific field as I have done and still am doing. I don't claim to know the whole world around me neither does anyone else here. But telling people "they're stupid for being a certain way" isn't how you talk to people. Trans people exist and science and medical fields support this and have already done research on it supporting it and transphobes don't get to be mad about this. You don't get to be mad about facts just because you have an anti trans agenda. Have a good one folks.


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