School bullying 2023 #LMN | New Lifetime Movies 2023 | Based On True Story 2023.


  1. Never ever try to bully tomboy blck girls, they know how to kick ass. When I was in 8th grade my friend Yuly and I used to verbally bullying an ugly skinny tomboy nerd blck girl because she wore funny big glasses and she dressed so funny wearing long trunks(she even wore baggy boxers for undergarments and swimsuit) but she got fed up of our mockery of her and she totally beat the ever living crap out of me and Yuli.

  2. @28:23 the stalker boy is the only background actor they had for this scene notice how he walks back and forth for the entire scene and the comes back in a grey sweater during the scene in the office with the coach and Mom. Lol starring again at 32:40

  3. My only burning question is how in the f*ck Marnie could stay with her so called "boyfriend" after he catfished Coach Sandy into sleeping with him. ☠Like are you dumb and desperate or are you dumb and desperate. 1:17:15 And YOU ?if you love her like you lie you do, then why did you go and catfish a whole teacher ??


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