Since when you can take off clothes alarm just with hands? 44:51 and what about the one that Sky found out in the first place? How did they get them out? Stupid movie ??
watching them play “basketball” was so cringe ?? felt like i was watching a bunch of little ass kids just starting to learn to play, traveling n all, hate the acting
Never ever try to bully tomboy blck girls, they know how to kick ass. When I was in 8th grade my friend Yuly and I used to verbally bullying an ugly skinny tomboy nerd blck girl because she wore funny big glasses and she dressed so funny wearing long trunks(she even wore baggy boxers for undergarments and swimsuit) but she got fed up of our mockery of her and she totally beat the ever living crap out of me and Yuli.
@28:23 the stalker boy is the only background actor they had for this scene notice how he walks back and forth for the entire scene and the comes back in a grey sweater during the scene in the office with the coach and Mom. Lol starring again at 32:40
My only burning question is how in the f*ck Marnie could stay with her so called "boyfriend" after he catfished Coach Sandy into sleeping with him. ☠Like are you dumb and desperate or are you dumb and desperate. 1:17:15 And YOU ?if you love her like you lie you do, then why did you go and catfish a whole teacher ??
The stores don’t have cameras?
Horrible acting
????ᴍᴀʀɴɪᴇ … sᴜᴄʜ ᴀ ᴅɪsᴀᴘᴘᴏɪɴᴛᴍᴇɴᴛ. ????
My mom would’ve kicked my butt ? and I wouldn’t be going NO WHERE if I didn’t end up in jail ?
What's this movie all about?
The dad is a complete doofus.
Since when you can take off clothes alarm just with hands? 44:51 and what about the one that Sky found out in the first place? How did they get them out? Stupid movie ??
watching them play “basketball” was so cringe ?? felt like i was watching a bunch of little ass kids just starting to learn to play, traveling n all, hate the acting
The bad acting is on another level
Another one good movie ?
i thought it would be the curly haired girl
Good movie
Good movie
They suck at basketball. Why do they dribble like that?
Please Put The Correct Name On These Movies Please ??♀️ Got Me Thinking It One Movie And It's Another So Confusing
1 one of the girls is an actor in Dhar mann
Why is Marnie wearing the same raggedy ass pink pants throughout the movie?
Never ever try to bully tomboy blck girls, they know how to kick ass. When I was in 8th grade my friend Yuly and I used to verbally bullying an ugly skinny tomboy nerd blck girl because she wore funny big glasses and she dressed so funny wearing long trunks(she even wore baggy boxers for undergarments and swimsuit) but she got fed up of our mockery of her and she totally beat the ever living crap out of me and Yuli.
Great movie
@28:23 the stalker boy is the only background actor they had for this scene notice how he walks back and forth for the entire scene and the comes back in a grey sweater during the scene in the office with the coach and Mom. Lol starring again at 32:40
The "action" parts of this movie was so BAD. LOL Like OMG. Terrible. ???
1:01:52 i don't think that "NOW!!!" was necessary! ?
The writing is good, acting average, but how could they get away with shopping lifting ? no cameras or alarms???
btw, when Skye leaves locker room and is then talking to Marnie, her shirt changes colour
Btw, the real name of the movie is The shoplifting
so what happened with all the money?!
Anyone thought this acting was horrible or just me?
Some of us got friends like Marnie but we are in the dark just like Skyla, God should give us a sign before they destroy us
Was I just watch boy?
Wtf type of ending was that ???
Some flaws in this movie. In the beginning she's 17 years old her mom says. Then 20 mins or so later shes 16 years old. What?
I like the movie..I knew it wasn't Heather who killed Sherri it was marine all along she was pure evil until the end
is it me or is the blonde girl with curl from dhar mann
I am there's
My only burning question is how in the f*ck Marnie could stay with her so called "boyfriend" after he catfished Coach Sandy into sleeping with him. ☠Like are you dumb and desperate or are you dumb and desperate. 1:17:15 And YOU ?if you love her like you lie you do, then why did you go and catfish a whole teacher ??
This movie is called "The Shoplifting Pact"
All of this over a PIN number? That won’t do any good.
What is the movie name
Actually tittle of the movie is: The Shoplifting Pack
I look the movie for learn English but I well love sorry for the mistakes
Good acting
Anuh heather a do the killing a the boy
Who wants to bitch slap the pointless husband?
The girl from dhar mann is in this movie
What a nice movie ?
I watched this somewhere else but it had a different title
It was ‘ Shoplifting Pact’ I think
american child so scary