The name of the church is “New Birth”……but from Eddie Long to Jamal Bryant…..somethings stay the same…..


  1. I just happened by this. It seems like a one size fit all. We have these mega size churches with these scandalous pastors. Fact is. It is a reflection of the very people that keep selecting them. OK. We all are sinners but there is a big picture that, I can not fit in this comment.
    First it is money and control. The people that select these pastors are trustees than want someone that will allow them to do what they want and profit from these churches.
    They can't trip because the writing was on the wall and they knew what they we're getting into when they brought these fakes in,.

  2. You told THE TRUTH!!!
    The CHOICE is OURS to MAKE!!!🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾
    Believe or NOT:
    A GOOD GOD gives you a choice!!!


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