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  1. John 3:16 for GOD so Loved the world, that he gave his ONLY begotten son, that whosoever believe in him shall NOT perish but have Everlasting LIFE

    Don't ever forget that GOD loves you and he loves this world even though this some people of the world doesn't love him and some doesn't even know of him, he even proved his love for us,by sending his only son to die on the cross for OUR sins, even when we were sinners and evil he still didn't want us to Persian to he gave up his son, JESUS to die for US, so we may have life and may have life more abundantly , He loves you JESUS love you and he sacrifice HIS life For YOU, please pray to him and share his gospel to as many people as you can.

    GOD BLESS YOU🙏🏽❤️✝️🦋

  2. Qwasersdzx💘💜🌈🎠🧡❤️😸💌🌈💝🤩⭐


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