Satan's Generals: William Joseph Seymour

William Joseph Seymour was born to freed slaves Simon and Phyllis Seymour in Centerville, Louisiana. In the 1890s, during the …


  1. Believe the sign couldn't find a better title for God's general. SATAN'S GENERAL. All these was doing their own thing. God never commissioned them. They pervert scriptures and put themselves in those scriptures

  2. The short documentary didn't show the link between Seymour and the title claim of Satan's Generals. Is this video part 1 of Seymour journey to become Satan's General or is the video title a click-bait?

  3. When the Holy Spirit comes He convicts of sin, of righteousness, and of judgement. Sin because they do not believe, righteousness because He goes to the Father and we see Him no more and judgement because the ruler of this world is judged. [Jhn 16:8 NKJV] 8 "And when He has come, He will convict the world of sin, and of righteousness, and of judgment:

    [Jhn 14:26 NKJV] 26 "But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in My name, He will teach you all things, and bring to your remembrance all things that I said to you.

    The Spirit of God confirms with signs and wonders (healing, deliverance, conviction as examples) when the Word is spoken. If the Word of God is not being read, taught, or spoken, then you must question the spirt.

  4. The trend that is coming out of the different videos is that the "healers" always troll the other healing sects for converts. They don't try to go and find fresh followers.

  5. The Vernal Equinox of 2030, marks the beginning of the 3rd, 1000-year Days of Heaven since Jesus taught us, All men are brothers, love one another, and be perfect — and was then crucified in 30 AD. 2 Peter 3: 8 Matthew 5: 44-48. It brings the fulfilment of the resurrection, as Jesus, Himself explains — John 16: 7-15 — when the Spirit of Truth — not Jesus in the flesh — comes to all who will receive him . . . and final judgement for the devil and dragon. Daniel 7: 9-14 Revelation 12: 12-13.
    We have been told SOONER. 09/23/26 is exactly 3.5 years sooner. It's the autumn equinox of the US' and the illuminati's 250th year (1776-2026). 10/12/26 is 42 new moons sooner. There will be an Epochal Eclipse April 8, 2024, when more shall be revealed to those with eyes and ears. The rest will see only an eclipse. Matthew 16: 4 Jonah 3: 5-8, Jonah 4: 11.

  6. 91 Now, the Pentecostals. That brother, one…I believe his…one of his eyes was out, a colored brother who really started the Pentecostal message in California, the old Azusa Street. He was laughed at, because he was a negro. He was made fun of, but he brought a message for that age . Just a little body, a fellow could hardly sign his own name, but the Lord had revealed to him that this was the age for the restoration of those gifts, and they come.
    (65-1128M – God's Only Provided Place Of Worship)

  7. This was somehow bad? Even taking the words of religious racists hypocrites, it was still amazing. Azusa St. wasn't a tidy little religious event and has never been depicted as such. It completely blasted apart the religious stronghold of authoritarian dictators like Dowie, Sandford, Parham, Thompson, Irwin, White and others that had been gripping the holiness movement for a generation. There is now something on the order of 600 million Pentacostal/Charismatic believers today because of Azusa St. It shook the whole world and was glorious.

  8. If charismatics are Satanists, perhaps you should cover Augustine, who in the latter chapters of 'City of God' affirmed spiritual gifts and healings in his day, 200 years after the apostles lived. Spiritual gifts don't make people satanists.

  9. You make valid claims concerning many of the people you mentioned in this series but this one needs more research. The gift of the Holy Ghost seems strange to many and the people that are filled with the Holy Spirit are known for exuberant praise and worship. So what if Seymours crime was ecstatic worship? So what if Seymour did not pontificate in the pulpit like a Jonathan Edwards or Whitefield. Seymour did not do the abominable ,unspeakable things that Dowie and other psychotic people did. You need to consider the historical record before passing judgement.Put yourself in his shoes not 2023. Imagine Parham demanded that you to sit outside a ministry you started because of the color of your skin. Imagine that you were asked to simply step aside and give a ministry to Parham. In this series there is as strong need to compare apples with apples and oranges with oranges. Seymour is no where near the deception and influence as Dowie or Lake or the others. I don’t dare mention the name of the one you used because the corruption and subterfuge goes too deep. Seymour was simply passionate and truly believed that his experience was real and from God. I never heard you describe to the viewers how he is one of “Satans Generals” and I hope that viewers do their due diligence because they will find out that Seymour was simply passionate and taught that prayer should have been his focus. You usually are really objective but this video leans more towards subjectivity. I do enjoy learning about Pentecostal History and the life’s and names behind the movement and I appreciate your work..

  10. I have to disagree with you on this, William Joseph Seynour was a good man and not a Satans General. I am an avid followers of your youtube channel and this is one point of disagreement

  11. Asuza street was a false movement led by false Prophets, Seymour and John G
    Lake. The Pentecostal movement is based on experiences not the true Gospel of Christ. God would not wait to the early 19th century to pour out his spirit on the Church.True tongues have ceased as they were a sign to Unbelieving Jews,

  12. This video calls William Joseph Seymour the general of satan. But in this video all the people against his ministry seem like racists and religious bigots who seem like the true generals of satan.


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