Satan's Generals: John G. Lake

Among all the men and women responsible for spreading Pentecostalism worldwide, few were as successful and well-respected …


  1. Great video! I have done my own research into Lake and can augment what is said here plus I can refute the claims of Roberts Liardon, about Lake being an insurance tycoon and his “100,000” healings in Spokane plus more. And what a total sham his ministry in Spokane was. Virtually everything modern charismatics believe about Lake are lies. He was a scam artist extraordinaire! So sad his lies are still being perpetrated and believed today!

  2. The AfM/AGS is still a larger church in South Africa, but there was a decline in South Africa concerning Church involvement in general. The majority of Christians were rather Reformed/Anglican than Charismatic. But the later were quite influential. And the AGS was mostly a poorer Whites Church for long as well. They were seen with suspicion by the Reformed majority of Whites.

  3. What has to do with bro branham .. if your.rite no worries .. if wrong you'll cry out .. forgive me God.. mixing up branham with the occult.. either he was the prophet for the Bride or he wasnt.. .. Will all see very soon. If your wrong God will show u .. if u want the truth n nothing but the truth so help u n me God..throwing out the baby with bath water causes confusion.. it's arevelation from God .. not what man has said.. Lord have mercy. U said it leaving the message. Hope your rite we have nothing too loose..😮

  4. Excellent report! Makes me question what really..has changed among these comrades.? The sad part-vulnerable people are still being duped with even greater finesse.

  5. Why there are so few academic sources on the matter? Could you please share some with me? I think I'm gonna publish some article on the k.k.k. origins of this evil shit. We just had a terrible flood here in Brazil, and of course apostolic people are blaming black and gay 😢😢😢

  6. If you read Wayne E. Warner's "The Woman Evangelist" a man named "Robert G. Lake" appears at Maria Woodworth Etter's trial in Framingham, MA, claiming to be both a funeral director, and the director of First National Bank in New York. (Citibank.) Who do you think that was?

  7. Thank you for making the time to do this video and expose these things. Could you please share the links to all the references? I tried to type one of them out, but didn't succeed in locating it. it would be helpful if you could include them in the description box so that people could click on them. Thank you!

  8. Funny ( or actually NOT so funny at all) is the fact that when I was briefly ( two years) in the Pentecostal cult, that the pastor was STILL invoking the "spirit of Elijah" with all the mumbley jumbo prayers to "be" Elijah..or as he put it…"an Elijah"….I'm certain they are either being instructed ( do they have direction to preach this way from the Pentecostal leadership?) or are they merely demonically inspired and just end up saying the same things??? I don't know. I left obviously.


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