Satan's Generals: John Alexander Dowie

John Alexander Dowie (1847-1907) was a Scottish evangelist and “faith healer” who migrated to the United States from Australia …


  1. This reminds me of romance scammers. These scammers lie to their victims, making them believe all their lies . When anyone tries to tell them they’re being scammed, the victim doesn’t want to believe. Even if they know in the depths of their heart they’re being scammed, they can’t believe because they’re hooked on the scammer’s drug of lies. When a victim is in the grips of the scammer, it takes a herculean strength to break free. This is the strength only the Lord can give. This same strength can be had for those who are in the grips of the offshoots of Dowie’s lying churches.

  2. There have been so many cults with their own private militias! Dowie demanding a million dollars reminds me of Oral Roberts saying that God was going to kill him if he wasn't given 6 million dollars. I guess we have to allow for inflation.

  3. When WMB was alive, did he have anything like a private militia? I'm sure he had security, at times, like a lot of public figures, but a militia? I know Joel's Army comes from WMBs teaching, but that didn't actually exist before 1965, did it?

  4. Thanks for another interesting video!!! Dowie does not sound mentally stable at all! Is he suppised to be dressed as an Aaronic high piest in one of the pictures? Very, very strange. It's so fascinating how certain people who seem to be on the very edge os sanity, like Dowie and WMB are able to gather these huge followings!!!

  5. Please say this prayer now 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
    "CREATOR OF THE UNIVERSE, LORD GOD, please know I do not worship any false gods, I worship you. Thank you for everything CREATOR OF THE UNIVERSE, LORD GOD. Amen"

    pray these words as you read them if you can't look and remember them 🙏 do it now please ☺

  6. Evil and a wicked adulterous generation seek after signs , we see this the moment the equate faith with money it gets deviant quick.
    Jesus never one time all the times he mentioned faith never used money as an illustration.
    If giving money was a token of ones faith Jesus would have mentioned that but faith comes by hearing the word of God not giving money.


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