Prophet Kobus teaches on “Satan Not Who You Thought ” Prophet Kobus Snr was passionate about reading and preaching the …


  1. Interesting stuff. So, from this perspective, God knew ahead of time that Adam was toast, and created or programmed sin and the devil and all the evil …that evil and sin and darkness and all the gross idols and such came from out of God His own wonderful Self. Doesn't anyone get the message? 1 John 1:5 That is THE MESSAGE Jesus Christ had for us. I would go with that, not with the teaching of sovereignity.

  2. If you understand that:
    ISRAEL IS GOD'S HOUSE, the church protects GOD'S house .

    then all of Kobus words are understood. Who is the greatest nation on Earth?

  3. This guy is just shifting over some very few steps to make his theology work in subtle ways.
    The black and white thinking people will miss it.
    Actually he is very wrong. This is creepy.

    God don't create evil, just as like hot doesn't create cold.
    Cold is the lack of heat and heat is energy that creates all.
    Evilness is the lack of Gods light that we are meant to be feeded through by a relationship and we are made in his image.
    Evilness is error / miss the goal from hebrew by free will. You can be good and light and turn evil for ever by free will and choice.

  4. Reality is. The accuser ( The person being ) manifested infront of Adam & Eve and they took from the Tree OF Knowledge by free will as Gods Images. ( Tree in bible = Soul – as jesus as symbolisd it already as and he always speaks as the FATHER that includes genisis.

    .But adam & Eve took from the TREE Of knowledge ( Satan = His knowledge — Of good and evil —) That means you are perfect as God —) As Satan belivied he was , and wanted to sit at the high throne as God and be a leader and a God.

    It's obvious Satan is not perfect in wisdom as God, and it doesn't say relative knowledge of good or evil. But Knowledge of good and evil = That means your'e perfect from a absolute standard, but we know no one is Perfect, only God.

    Just like Satan belivied he was —) Perfect just like God……..

    And therefore when we read he tricks Adam & Eve he says (GOD DOESN't want you TO HAVE THIS. Therefore implication is that God is hiding that you can be Perfect also….and be as HIGH as GOD. (Even tho we are his images and his children already – so its already a doubble trickery.

    So summary –) Adam & Eve ( Humanity even today ) —) Accepts Satan self image as they are Perfect like the Dragons Image..And therefore they always justifie, hide behind the bush as adam & eve did in symbolism. They never forgive ( but jesus said its important to forgive ). They always are self rightousness, excuse and project and become narccists and blame everything on everybody else and become sociopaths and then pshycopaths and pride and so on. — ) Sounds like the fallen angels image and therefore the evil humans they have already manipulated by spreading there own self image to them as cancer.

  5. Ain't no more prophets in this generation. The Apostles of YAHSHUA were NEVER even called prophets but just APOSTLES having the same title as the ELDERS of the Churches of YAHSHUA HAMASHIACH. Why should there be prophets in this Last Days on earth?? Is there a further need for more prophecies apart from what have already been so WRITTEN in the HOLY BIBLE?? Pastor KOBUS…, please prophecy WHEN the RAPTURE of the Churches of YAHSHUA HAMASHIACH on earth! Is it going to occur Pre-Trib, Mid-Trib or Post-Trib? Will there be KING 👑 YAHSHUA's MILLENNIAL Kingdom?? When is the SECOND COMING; is it immediately after the completion of the MILLENNIAL KINGDOM of KING 👑 YAHSHUA??? Prophecy please!!! HalleluYAH 🙏🙏🙏 If you CANNOT or WONT…, you ain't a PROPHET!! At best, just call yourself a PASTOR or an ELDER please. I won't even call you an Apostle since Apostles are duly ANOINTED by the HOLY SPIRIT. HalleluYAH 🙏🙏🙏

  6. so your saviour jesus the word of god created evil !!!!
    how do you find this as a truth in your ears and heart?
    the word spoke
    the word that is the son of god
    the word spoke evil to create evil
    it spoke good to create good

    think a bit
    we are an image of god
    so if there is good and evil in me its the same in god?
    not so

    so imaginary child playes and creates good and evil
    and we are the play test dummies of creation

    if the word spoke evil to create evil than god must be the biggest sinner
    he used hes mouth to create evil
    and he spoke good to create good
    therefore he must be dual minded
    he must be black and white all in one

    so god created all good and evil for himself and by himself
    but he first created the devil in the beginning and he first created the darkness before the light
    so first evil came from him before any good
    know the fruits by their tree of their works

    allways 2 sides to every story or 2 sides to evry coin
    and we have been taught only the sweet little things all along

  7. Isa 45’s use of “evil” is another word for calamity, not moral evil. Notice that “evil” is contrasted with “peace” in this verse—right there is the key. Otherwise God is the author of evil.


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