Home The Word SATAN IS A COWARD – BISHOP DAVID ABIOYE CHARGES CONGREGATION The Word SATAN IS A COWARD – BISHOP DAVID ABIOYE CHARGES CONGREGATION 0 5 RELATED ARTICLESMORE FROM AUTHOR The Word Day 4 || Morning Session 1 || Power for Present Possession || GCK The Word MORNING PRAYER: START YOUR DAY WITH THIS MORNING PRAYER || APOSTLE JOSHUA SELMAN The Word MID NIGHT PRAYER COMMANDING THE DAY FROM 1 MILLION MAN WORSHIP PORT HARCOURT. 22-12-2024 The Word THE SCHOOL OF PRAYER (REBROADCAST) WITH APOSTLE JOSHUA SELMAN The Word ONE MILLION MAN WORSHIP PORT HARCOURT. 22-12-2024 Good day, Welcome to Emeka Anslem’s YouTube Channel. Emeka Anslem is an inspirational teacher saddled with the … 5 COMMENTS Move forward Reply I am moving forward. I am going on to the other side. I'm at rest. The name of Jesus will make a way for me Sarah CONGRATULATIONS 🎊 🎉 🇬🇭 Reply What a powerful helpful message. Thank you papa and more grace in Jesus name. Reply I am moving forward forever and advancing on all sides. Thank you daddy. More anointing 🙏 Reply Wow…this is powerful. Reply LEAVE A REPLY Cancel reply Please enter your comment! Please enter your name here You have entered an incorrect email address! Please enter your email address here Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Δ
I am moving forward. I am going on to the other side. I'm at rest. The name of Jesus will make a way for me Sarah CONGRATULATIONS 🎊 🎉 🇬🇭 Reply
Move forward
I am moving forward. I am going on to the other side. I'm at rest. The name of Jesus will make a way for me
What a powerful helpful message. Thank you papa and more grace in Jesus name.
I am moving forward forever and advancing on all sides. Thank you daddy. More anointing 🙏
Wow…this is powerful.