Samson and Let There Be Light can be purchased at! What an awesome way to spend the evening. Plus other Christian Entertainment news on this week's episode of Christian Cinema Weekly!

Pic of the Week:
The Heart of Man


Let There Be Light:

Like Arrows Fathom Event:

Originally posted 2021-01-07 10:43:27. Republished by Blog Post Promoter


  1. For God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love, and self-discipline.
    2 Timothy 1:7 NLT

    This verse changed my life and still does. I used to be afraid for everything. Worst of all my own emotions. I was so set on everything that is impossible that I did not see what was possible in my hopeless situation. Everyday im learning more to take risks and truly live a life full of adventure together with God. Now im going to do the scariest thing there is for me but what also is ny greatest passion. Becoming a worshipleader and sharing my emotions with others throught music. The only place where I could feel any emotion for 13 years

  2. This is the best book recommendation of all time!
    Here are the parts of the Bible that have most impacted my life:
    Genesis 1:1-Revelation 22:21, highlighting the passage John 3:16.

    (Seriously, the whole of my life experiences are because of the Bible’s direct and indirect impacts:
    Raised in church, attended Christian schools, morality based upon the Bible, striving to strengthen my relationship with Jesus in my daily life, the country I live in [the USA] was established by people who sought to make a nation that encouraged the freedom to practice Christianity without fear of state intervention, much of the media I consume is generated by people seeking to serve God with their gifts and talents, and a large part of my Western Culture is influenced by historical Catholicism and Protestantism. My whole world is what it is because of the Bible, and I wouldn’t have it any other way. I appreciate people who work hard to translate, distribute, and live according to the Bible throughout the world.)

    If you’re wanting a Bible passage recommendation that isn’t as popular as John 3:16, I recommend Colossians 3:16.


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