
Sacrifice, Master Key to Turn Financial Captivity By Bishop David Oyedepo

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  1. Woow, it is our turn to enjoy plenty? Since when did God promise anyone wealth for preaching the Gospel? Hmmmm so how come the apostles were not wealthy after all they helped spread the gospel? The bible talks about those who equate gain with godliness. Where in the bible does God promise anybody wealth or riches? God may bless you with plenty, some, a little etc. To tell every Christian to expect to be wealthy is not biblical. This prosperity gospel sha, na wa o. Jesus did not come to make us wealthy, He came to save the lost. The bible said "Jesus came to SAVE the LOST". And not to make us super rich.

  2. Where in the bible or NT do you see any teaching on "Master key to turn your finances around". These "pastors" are teaching things not taught in the bible. How the "pastors" of today are so different from the apostles of the bible. Their life style, teaching, beliefs are not the same. "Sacrifice is the key to covenant abundance" ke? I see no such teaching in my bible

  3. Thank you man of God your word has been a blessing to my life. By the special grace of God I will one day give my testimony in your church at your presence cuz ur word encouraged me and lead me to where I am today. Thank you once more and God bless you abondantly.

  4. In the beginning man was chased from the garden of eden not to have access the tree of life where God has placed angels with flaming swords. Man had eaten of the tree of knowledge of good and evil and because of that God threw them out to prevent their eating of the tree of life and live everlasting life. Now the striving of man today is to eat of the tree of life and Jesus said I am the way the truth and the life. This the saviour. For any thing man desires Jesus is the source and he is in man – the power and the wisdom of God. So there's no other way . You reading this you are the Jesus christ of Scripture. You own wonderful human imagination.


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