Run the Race is a 2018 American Christian drama film directed by Chris Dowling. It follows two young brothers who use football to cope with their mother’s death and father’s abandonment of them


  1. What a great movie as tears are going down my cheeks. It is so hard for us to understand God's ways sometimes but the words to an old old song said…. When you see as far as the eye can see and it looks like the end to you just remember HIS ways ARE NOT OUR WAYS HE IS THE LORD AND HE WILL DELIVER YOU… We are all going through things in our lives especially now when the world has gone completely crazy.
    But The Lord promised he is coming back for his people we may not get healed on this side… But if we continue to follow Christ it will be worth it all…

  2. People forget that Lucifer brings the bad upon us, not God. It's knowing God will help you overcome what Lucifer throws at you.
    But, celebrating Christmas, Easter angers God, so that doesn't help. Sunday Worship is another. All those are Pagan traditions, and God will not tolerate sharing.

  3. I Love this movie. Thank you so much. I cried at the end. Young people run to God; never run away from him. My youngest son is a good child. He’s a hard worker. He loves me very much and will do anything for his mother.But he’s running from God and this is breaking my heart. I pray for him daily to accept our Lord. I know God will get his attention. This is why I can’t stop crying🥲 watching this movie. Thank you.✝️💞

  4. America has so much being thrown at it right now, but God has never changed. He still loves you. Deeper than you could ever fathom. I pray that you will find your way back to that unfathomable love.

  5. Woooow… It made me cry a lot but one thing for sure, God always works things together for our good. Romans 8 :28
    Even if some thing we don't like the way they are, God knows why and what to do next. Trust in Him and will do miracles.

    God plans are always better than ours and in every circumstance, Jesus is all the way with us because He loves us so much.
    It's never to late to get closer to Jesus and so, His spirit can guide us to make better choices in life.
    Thanks for sharing this movie.

  6. This is an amazing movie. Tears were falling down my face. I just list my Dad last year, and this movies, helps me. It also lets me know where he is and who he is with. God knows the plan for our life.

  7. Thank You Lord Jesus for all you’ve done for us your children and all that You’ll continue to do. Help us oh Lord to believe in You and not try to see everything for ourselves.Amen🙏

  8. A very beautiful movie. It captured my heart and soul. It is a good reminder that we are not the ones in control…our human desires will think otherwise because we are willful and inherently against God because of sin but Jesus Christ is our Savior and so we are forgiven once and for all…Jesus hung on that Cross, nails in hands and feet to Save Us!


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