Consider the smut and super hero CGI/PC/SJW garbage Hollywood churns out every month for the past 20 yearsβ¦.It was a delight to see a well made, acted, directed, and produced film like Risen. Hollywood is still very capable of good and thoughtful entertainment but we do have to dig pretty deep to find it .
i love that they potrayed the Lord like a loving Father to His disciples. Hugs them like a father who missed his child. The actor who played Jesus felt natural and unpretentious.
trying something new? the bible doesnt need anything new.
great review. I also agree this is a great movie. Gives respect to the Holy word
I have just seen the movie and really loved it.
I loved it it was great, I especially enjoyed the scene when he sees Christ alive and drops his sword
I don't like it nothing biblical
Consider the smut and super hero CGI/PC/SJW garbage Hollywood churns out every month for the past 20 yearsβ¦.It was a delight to see a well made, acted, directed, and produced film like Risen. Hollywood is still very capable of good and thoughtful entertainment but we do have to dig pretty deep to find it .
Thank you, this popped up in recommended and I had to find a good review before I watched. Subbed
i love that they potrayed the Lord like a loving Father to His disciples. Hugs them like a father who missed his child. The actor who played Jesus felt natural and unpretentious.