Ring of Fire | Part 1 of 2 | FULL MOVIE | 2013 | Action, Disaster

RING OF FIRE: Part ONE – When an oil rig causes a volcanic eruption in a small town, it’s not just an isolated event—as …


  1. Having not watched this movie yet, I'm going out on a limb and going to say there will be a scientist others thought was crazy, had theories that others didn't agree with or they hated for some reason and he/she ends up saving the world.
    Just like EVERY other global disaster B-movie.

  2. Oh I get it there's something in the air that's killing the cows but not killing people so there is a gas escaping that's poisonous to cows but the man standing two feet away from the cows isn't affected right

  3. Greed and self-interest of people whom we trusted and made final decisions are the catalyst of most disasters that mankind encountered. In the end, many will blame GOD for the outcome. Is it fair on God's side?

  4. The Closed Captions need a lot of work! So, there's not any kind of quality control for CC? General punctuation, caps, wording, spelling, etc. It all needs work. Othewise, the film is good.

  5. Bugs me that someone didn't just hold his breath, bend over, and pick up the dog. The writers suck.
    Would have been a better movie if they'd revived the dog…and edited out the environmentalist hysteria…oh, yeah, and the splash of atheism.


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