Fans of Soul Surfer and The Pursuit Of Happyness cannot miss this powerful faith-based drama movie, inspired by true story.


  1. Very touching! Inspiring! Makes to direct the thoughts in the right direction, the very right prayer: God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can and the wisdom to know the difference! And to keep trying to build the relations with God, knowing that God doesn't give up on you, never gives up. Grace to the Lord in the Highest! And on earth peace to the people of good will.

  2. Very beautiful true story ❤️ my grandchildren have the same condition and I love ❤️ them more than this world they keep me going on and living as I have a serious medical condition that could end my life anytime they are the olny reson why iam still living 😊❤

  3. Thank you so much for sharing this story, it's many out there like this man. Not all of them are capable to face their alcohol problem. My twin brother suffer with same problem years. He found a strength to stay clean for a long time, but one bad argument or something when happend, he started again. My mum and dad going to church every day and they pray a lot for him. My mum and dad is sick now. And he loves his dad unconditionally. And he stopped for him, because he realised he corsed this.It must be hard. It's easy to fell and harder to get up! And kept trying and stuggle until they can cope to live again. But this man found his motivation to never give up in his son. He changed his life and life of a future of his family. Very nice story, full of sadness and
    happiness. I couldn't hold my tiers back. Thank you so much ❤.

  4. Nice movie, fyi, for somebody who has been drinking for a long time, can in no way stop cold turkey. They need to be under a doctors care, they are given diazepam, to hep with the DT's, a person can't live through it otherwise. It's much different than say stopping pain pills, that will be hell, but you can live and the withdraw will stop in time .Not with drinking, seen it too many times and sometimes it's too late, no matter what. I watched someone die, while in the hospital. It was much to late for him. RIP Daddy………..😒😢

  5. Just so you know -people don’t become angels when they die. If you are Born Again by receiving Jesus Christ as your Savior you will go to heaven when you die. Having a near death experience (NDE) can happen according to God’s will but discernment is needed to know a factual case.


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