Revelation (The Book of Revelation Visual Bible) ESV | Bible Movie

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  1. When I was a kid, there was a popular game called Mouse Trap. It had a mechanism that was far more complicated than was necessary in order to entrap a plastic mouse. The idea for the game was inspired by a certain Rube Goldberg, a comic who was famous for his cartoons that depicted complicated gadgets performing simple tasks in indirect, convoluted ways. But he wasn't the first person to come up with a overcomplicated gadget idea to accomplish what would otherwise be a very simple task! John of Patmos, the author of the Book of Revelation, had made a Rube Goldberg version of the what the Jewish prophets described how the final age would turn out…a good 1900 years earlier!

    For most of the Jews of Jesus' day, the "last age" was only about one thing–the restoration of an independent nation of Israel, thanks to a special man their prophets said God would send to militarily liberate them from foreign domination and hegemony. They called this man the Messiah. By Jesus' day, most of the Jews believed the Messiah, with the help of God, would begin a revolt in Jerusalem. He would make his public appearance to seize the Throne of David, right after God raised ALL the dead, oust the Romans, and then conduct a huge citizenship court hearing. Those deemed to have been truly righteous in their past lives would become citizens right away, and those who had been exceptionally pious would also get some of the really good jobs in the new, theocratic government.

    Virtually all of Jesus followers were convinced HE was this Messiah, even though all their hopes were dashed when he was arrested and killed, but they were revived and went over the top when one report after another came in that he had been seen alive again! Christianity began with these Jewish people who believed it would be Jesus who would, any day, make a grand appearance in Jerusalem to set up this new, earthly Jewish nation–the "Kingdom of God."

    However, Jesus did not reappear to seize the Throne of David! Many of his Jewish followers went to their deaths still waiting for him! By the end of the First Century CE, most all the Jewish Christians had died out, and the Jesus Movement became a non-Jewish, "Gentile" religious sect! By 100 CE, it was Greco-Romans who were in charge of the Church, and they had a very different idea about the message of Jesus!

    The Greco-Roman Christians could not care less about a new Jewish nation, but they misunderstood Jesus to be a new-and-improved, pagan god! In their minds, their new god, Jesus, was better than any of the other gods of Mt. Olympus! Their new god, Jesus, promised them eternal life after death, in a very nice place…or so they thought! When Jesus spoke about the "Kingdom of God," they took him to be speaking of a place in the Afterlife they had already, as pagans, believed in–the Elysian Fields–where the pagan gods allowed only a very small number of the souls of special men–rich, well-born, Roman citizens–to go…but their new god, Jesus, would ensure anyone who became a Christian, no matter who they were–poor, slaves, barbarians–could make it there too!

    So, what was a Jewish Christian, who was very influenced by Greco-Roman culture and religion (like John of Patmos) to do when he set out to explain how the world was going to turn out in the long run? Of course, he mixed up all these Jewish and pagan beliefs together into one big "Rube Goldberg" eschatology! We can well imagine his thinking–"So what if anyone might think it strange that the souls of the dead, immediately go to their eternal destiny, as anyone born and raised to believe in Greek Mythology would agree, and all the stuff about a Resurrection Day is just a formality to perform! I'm going to smoosh both belief systems together, so no one can say the Jews were completely wrong, except for all the Jesus' stuff about forgiveness and reconciliation, so more revenge can be carried out against millions more people…which out to make the persecuted Christians of the new Second Century feel better!"

    However, the real question is WHY did John of Patmos exclude what Jesus of Nazareth really thought about the "Kingdom of God"? True, he didn't often share his real feelings about it, and when he did talk about the heightened expectation most of the Jews of his day had for a violent, militaristic Messiah to come save them from the Boot of Rome, he only did so to expose the religious legalists of his day, to let them know they were not even going to become citizens in the Expected Kingdom of God!

    When Jesus finally did come out with his view (in Luke Chapter 17), he made it clear the "Kingdom" was not going to be a literal government on earth, nor a spirit realm governed by some pagan god like Hades, the brother of Zeus, but that it was only to be found in the hearts of PEOPLE, and the "Kingdom" would spread to the entire world, not as a theocratic empire, but each time a person repents of sinful living (that is, a life of hurting and/or ignoring the suffering of others) and begins leading a life of doing good and helping the suffering!

    Rick Lannoye, author of

  2. Babylon description fits well descriptive of America , and I'm still rest assured it's America, all evil harpers meaning musicians cometh from America, all the abominations starts from America, every evil thing starts from America and all nations fear America …….I'm still convinced that its Great Babylon

  3. I’ve seens so many cheesy videos just like this and can’t even get past the first chapter but this even though animated is 100% following along to the words. This is the best I’ve seen so far! ❤️🔥

  4. Please repeat this prayer from your heart
    "Dear God, thank you for sending your son to set an example for us to follow and paying the price by dying a painful death, so that we are able to come boldly before your thrown to ask for forgiveness. I'm just a sinner, I sin when I am not aware but through your blood our sins are forgiven, and help that when you have forgiven us, that we will remain holy and true and righteous to you because you are a great God. Help us also to tell other about your goodness, and that there is truly a God that deserves our praise. Remind us of you commandments and help us to keep studying our bibles, so that when you shall come there will be a place in your kingdom for me and I will se your face. Until then, let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in thy sight, oh lord, my strength and my redeemer amen.

  5. Woman mystery = USA = Self proclaimed greatest nation in the world.

    Mystery Babylon = N.Y. = Self proclaimed greatest city in the world.

    Beast and seven kings = Islam = false prophet , Antichrist who will conquer the woman and the city and who will bring forth destruction of God's children (two witnesses) all over the world.

  6. Well done. The only thing I would say is that some of the female illustrations are bordering on pornography. A person who might be struggling with lust or pornography, might be weakened or even fall from the female illustrations. I don't believe these were your intentions, but I just wanted to bring awareness. Other than that. THE LORD GOD BLESS THE MINISTRY HE HAS GIVEN you. Amen.

  7. The Lord Jesus is our God, He is merciful, loving, forgiving, sinful, faithful, righteous, holy, slow to anger, watching over us forever, wherever we go, for He is our head. Holy church, all who believe in Jesus as their Savior, God forgives. Amen. Thank you, Lord Jesus Christ, Hallelujah 🙏✝️🔥😇

  8. Thank you so much for the video especially the illustrations to match the verses. Can anyone help me understand the chronology. Do the chapters move forwards and backwards in time as I'm struggling to sequence the seals and trumpets etc.

  9. I don't understand why anyone would think the two whiteness are anything other than two churches since revelation tells us the two lampstands are both the two whiteness and lampstands are also the churches. My 2 cents smyrna and Philadelphia

  10. Proof of A Pre trib Rapture. Pay Attention to the cloud and Cloud's Jesus appears in and With. Acts chapter 1 verses 9 10 11 Cloud. In Red Luke chapter 21 verses 27 and 28 Jesus is coming in A Cloud. In Revelation chapter 1 verse 7 Jesus is coming With the Clouds when he comes back to the MT of Olives. God bless you Always…….


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