Mabel’s approach to life teaches her an unforgettable life lesson. The seed Amos Zalmini planted yields an undesirable harvest.


  1. Thank you so much sir.
    Indeed the only hindrance to man is the old Nature or Mr Flesh and it must be dealt with . That is why Christ died to put an end to that old man, all we have to do is to submit to Baba Jesus to complete his work in our lives. Baba Jesus please deal with whatever habits or attitude of Mr Flesh in me.
    More grace sir

  2. Why dating a married man? And to the man, you said your wife is a mistake till the 5th child😂 this is how most ladies are being cajoled. His waywardness push him to his daughter ahh this is trouble. Attitude goes a long way

  3. I am still recovering from the authenticity and depth of He is all that Matters and just watched this one as well. How you confront delicate issues of life is so sensitive. God bless you Sir Shola Mike Agboola

  4. "Therefore I discipline my body and put it under subjection lest after preaching to others I myself become a cast away" 1Cor 9:27

    The flesh is the firewood with which the devil burns the soul. Don't hand it over to him.

  5. At my work place i almost found myself in that situation with a customer but thank God for his mercy's and my boss i quickly apologise and sake forgive from the elderly woman in before everyone and called her personal and apologised again infact we must be extremely careful before is too late because we don't know where our help will come from aside God's help
    May God help us 🙏

  6. What great messages; first, a bad character & attitude can shut doors great doors before us. Also, lust and promiscuity can cause transgenerational damages.
    Thank you to the entire team of cast and crew. Thank Evangelist Shola. Thank you Evom for being a blessing❤

  7. A very timely and important message indeed. Understanding that there are always consequences for our actions whether good or bad and knowing that a man that walks in the flesh can never please God is a good lesson to pray about. God bless the cast and crew in Jesus name Amen

  8. I celebrate you daddy and thank you for always taking time with resources and God's servants in putting life to all your ministration. God bless you sir and continually empower you for Greater Works IJN


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