Restoring The Culture of The Kingdom of Heaven | Dr. Myles Munroe

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  1. At 34:51, I was thinking that's why the enemy loves sowing misunderstandings & discord amongst the brethren.. 💭

    And then he confirmed it at 38:21.. 🎯 The adversary knows what will happen when we reach the unity of the faith.. 👀

    – @Acharich

  2. 57:19 What we need is GOD'S approval.. 👑

    The Kingdom of God is not in talk but in POWER.. 💣

    In dynamic influence, evidence that things have changed & that u are living in a different culture.. 💎

    – @Acharich

  3. I agree with Dr Monroe but I believe that Language is more than just words. Language is more than just words, it’s beliefs, habits, associations. In other words, culture.

    The problem now a days is that everyone wants to speak the language of sin (i.e. drinking, pornography, objectifying women, racism) instead of speaking the language of the Lord which is Love, compassion, patience and understanding and most importantly repentance.

  4. The Bible is about a KING not a president – Jesus taught about a KINGDOM not a republic…that right there changed my paradigm and therefore…my life…the GOVERNMENT of my life is on HIS SHOULDERS…His personal interest is policy in my life…thank you.

  5. The message about the kingdom of God has changed my life for the good. Although I believe in Jesus, I do not have the Holy Spirit. In a way, I am like the believers in Acts who did not have the Holy Spirit, until Paul came and lay his hands on them. I pray that one day, I too will receive the Holy Sprit.

  6. I have been at conflict with the idea of tongues. Even when I finally learned of it's import it was too far from me. But am here to testify that today I have spoken in tongues for the first time in prayer.
    These are not just recording but a quest of the holy spirit to all of us who are fortunate to watch Dr Munroe. Thank you Munroe global
    After over 10 years when the message was delivered I can speak in tongues? This is really like u say "a power packed message"

  7. I love Myles, he has been my mentor for years, Paul got people Believing we suppose to babel. The word says at the day of pentecost every man understands the disciples in his native tongue. The original language every one spoke was Hebrew. The book of Jasher (removed be the beast himself) fills in the blanks where there is confusion. Abba Yah isn’t the author of confusion. No disrespect to this great man. He is the biggest reason (besides TMH) i am the man i am today

  8. Dr Myles has changed my life forever, what a remarkable son of man, very gifted by the God and highly influenced by Holy Spirit,

    I listen to him everyday to receive his spiritual blessings, may his soul rest in peace, Amen

  9. Am not perfect but since I started listening to Myles Munroe message since 2019 till date my life have experienced a very huge changes
    Even my family and friends and people that no me before are all asking me what’s happening cox they can see the changes and beauty of Gods love around me
    Indeed u shall no the truth and the truth u no will set u free


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