Home The Word Rest in Jesus! #nickvujicic #limblesspreacher #hope #christian #disability #lifewithoutlimbs The Word Rest in Jesus! #nickvujicic #limblesspreacher #hope #christian #disability #lifewithoutlimbs 1 26 RELATED ARTICLESMORE FROM AUTHOR The Word SECRET OF SUCCESS – Dr. Myles Munroe Message The Word March 4 Morning Prayers to Start Your Day | Apostle Joshua Selman The Word Pastor Kumuyi Reveals The Power of ZEAL In Kingdom Work – A MUST WATCH The Word PASTOR E.A ADEBOYE SERMON | RCCG MARCH 2025 VICTORY HOUR The Word LET GOD FIGHT YOUR BATTLES IN MARCH AND RECEIVE ANSWERS – APOSTLE JOSHUA SELMAN 26 COMMENTS Everytime i wonder how is he so happy? Reply WHEN WE HAVE TO HOLY SPIRIT, IT CAN ALL.GOD BLESSED! Reply ❤❤❤SVETI BOZE AMIN❤❤❤ Reply lol! Reply The joy of the Lord is his strength!!!❤ Reply Que dieu te ramene au paradis pour ta croyance .ici bas on est en enfer . Reply Deus é lindo Reply 당신은 천사요 용기의 극치 입니다대단해요 Reply Amen 👍 🙏 ❤ Reply Amen Reply God blesss you and your beautiful family Reply You are an Earth Angel for so many people. I am working on being as happy as Pastor Nick. Reply ❤ Reply Nick is a big prove that Jesus is alive, He fixes hearts and souls only through Christ. You can be truly happy. Nick has no limbs, but he did more sports than I ever did in my life. Our God is amazing. ❤ Reply god is good all the time Reply I respect him, God Bless you and your family ❤ 🙏🏾🥀 Reply Jesus always with us Reply God bless you! Reply 🙏🙏🙏🙏 Reply It appears this man's soul is healthier than most of our bodies Reply This is the best—thanks for sharing! Bible and Jesus gets you up—me too! Reply 😋lol Reply Godblesu Reply I love you and merry Christmas 🎅 ❤❤😊 Reply amen ooo Reply Boh vas Zehnaj Reply LEAVE A REPLY Cancel reply Please enter your comment! Please enter your name here You have entered an incorrect email address! Please enter your email address here Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Δ
Nick is a big prove that Jesus is alive, He fixes hearts and souls only through Christ. You can be truly happy. Nick has no limbs, but he did more sports than I ever did in my life. Our God is amazing. ❤ Reply
Everytime i wonder how is he so happy?
The joy of the Lord is his strength!!!❤
Que dieu te ramene au paradis pour ta croyance .ici bas on est en enfer .
Deus é lindo
당신은 천사요 용기의 극치 입니다
Amen 👍 🙏 ❤
God blesss you and your beautiful family
You are an Earth Angel for so many people. I am working on being as happy as Pastor Nick.
Nick is a big prove that Jesus is alive, He fixes hearts and souls only through Christ. You can be truly happy. Nick has no limbs, but he did more sports than I ever did in my life. Our God is amazing. ❤
god is good all the time
I respect him, God Bless you and your family ❤ 🙏🏾🥀
Jesus always with us
God bless you!
It appears this man's soul is healthier than most of our bodies
This is the best—thanks for sharing! Bible and Jesus gets you up—me too!
I love you and merry Christmas 🎅 ❤❤😊
amen ooo
Boh vas Zehnaj