Reading of article published in Chicago, IL papers reporting on Dowie’s ministry: “Afflicted Divinely Healed by Rev. John Alex.


  1. Oh Ann, A teaching by Dr. Dowie. You're awesome, thank you for this. We deperately need these teachings today. This country has fallen from such a great height, time to go back to God and our Founders original intent that our rights and privileges are from God to whom we owe everything.

  2. I'm wondering how John Dowie, John Lake and others got to the point of being able to pray and heal. I hate the fact that making a decent wage takes so much of my time leaving the Lord with part of what's left over. This should not be and may be part if not the reason there are not more "healers" today. Far too much demand on our time. I want to be a John Dowie, John Lake after all I'm a John as well.


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