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  1. Everyone is not religious. He makes up that definition to make everyone religious. I can make up a definition for rat to make everyone a mouse. All religions are speculations. No one knows what "God " thinks or wants. Jesus is a myth, a composite of several mythological figures of other pre-Christian so called pagan religions.

  2. Truth is Ethiopian scriptures 101 of them are the oldest and authentic scriptures, King James Bible was a colonial project same way USA and Europeans have created fake J in Gaza to colonize their land. Comment sense my people will liberate you.

  3. Not Religious 🚫. Kingdom Citizens Only 🔥🔥🔥👑🔥🔥🔥. Dr. Myles is correct. The Kingdom message and its principals and keys are all in the scriptures. Kingdoms expand to colonize. Which kingdom are ye off? The Kingdom of God? Or The Kingdom of Darkness ruled by the father of lies-ignorance- which is darkness? Check yo self before you answer, give it some thought. Choose ye this day whom you gone serve! But as fo me and my house, we will Praise Yah and serve him only. Shalom 🔥💯

  4. Yes or No… Christianity, Islam, Witchcraft, voodoo, santería, satanist, atheist, agnostics… Black or white people, etc.

    You have a God against COVID-19?

    Or AIDS, or cancer, or poverty, or the world? Exactly.

  5. Good people trust in the Lord,
    Verse >>James 1:27 KJV ( Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this, To Visit the Fatherless and Widows in their affliction, and to keep himself unspotted from the world.) 😊

  6. God is not Human, let alone a man. At least if God was Human would be a woman. Any form of life is brought by Feminine energy/Spieses, except in religion.

    God is bigger than anything we can think of and it is Manifesting itself through us, so we are God in action in human form or he/it is expanding itself through us and everything that shares environment and Cosmos with us ( even an 🐜).
    Ngoana MoAfrika thinkin aloud 🤔 🤷🏿‍♂️

  7. The original purpose for those made in the image of GOD was rulership.

    “And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth.”1:26

    May you all rule well

  8. Amen If you are Not religious they can’t control and brain wash you. Religion was created to segregate divide and control humans by those who influence the World.

  9. Religion is the only answer to our problems. I always had a problem Dr. Munroe's definition of religion. Those of you are listening to this are not familiar with Dr. Munroe.. he often defined etymology of words that start with" Re" for example re- surrection. Re meaning to go back etc …surrect to live thus resurrection is to return to life. Look the etymology of religion it means to be reattached.. I have already explained the re.. ligion has its roots in the same root as ligament
    . Religion literally means to re attach ie re bind not bind to obstruct but like ligaments bind to function. So man lost his connection with God through sin. Christ is the only ligament that can reattach us.. all other religions are pseudo ligeons.. and that is what Christ said .. I am the way the truth and the life no man comes into the but buy me ..that's religion..Inthis video Myles Munroe is speaking in error but he became a cult personality so the man became more than the message

  10. I know I'm on the right track because a man who doesn't even believe in God and has disrespected God in front of me, looked me in my eyes, and said, "I'm God," sent me this.

    Jesus is the way to the Father. We'll all see in the end. People don't want to believe that God has certain rules for us. You didn't come to this earth just to have xxx and eat and spend money until you die. It's definitely a certain order to follow. They want to avoid worshipping the one and only true God. People question who wrote the bible and if it's true, but as long as they have videos cursing God but also saying he doesn't exist, they will always belive it because it aligns with their foolish spirits.

  11. True, except that Christianity is not a religion. It doesn't matter that you check off Christianity as your religion when filling out forms. Christianity is a relationship with Jesus Christ.


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