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  1. I can really relate to this message 😢
    Made a wrong decision 6 years ago by choosing a wrong partner…and I’m still where I am because my partner is just lazy and refuse to grow
    I have to talk to him all time
    He has changed the direction I was heading and life I wanted for myself
    So many years wasted😢

    God fix me🙏🏽🙏🏽
    It’s time for my destiny to raise
    God forgive me for being careless and making wrong decisions and choices
    God please send my destiny helpers am at a point of breaking down🙏🏾

  2. God just telled to me and I was asking for his voice God speaks in many ways
    God is powerful people should know that God bless my music career that is starting
    I will do it for you my Lord I submit my soul to you

  3. So so powerful and real
    Laziness is main problem among human beings and always push blame others or make excuses
    I pray this is not my portion and I pray to God I will arise my seed will even do exceedingly better than me.i pray and degree nooone of my children and all generations after them will be lazy or live in poverty 🙏

  4. – Never settle for less .
    Anything can lift you if you refine it.
    – Admiring people and wishing if you were someone else is a waste of time by all means make sure you do something to do
    – What God has put in your hands is enough to open the door of your destiny
    – Thank God for those who have What do not have but stop this season of blind admiration that makes you to demean what you have.
    – Everybody can celebrate what you carry you just have not recognised it and refined it.
    – Anything in its good version is not worthy of being rewarded.
    – Anything looks bad when it has not been refined.


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