Reinhard Bonnke – Raising The Dead

On TPi, Simisola Okai talks to Evangelist Reinhard Bonnke about the miraculous testimony of a man from Nigeria who was raised from the dead during one of his gospel crusades.

copyright, Christian Broadcasting Network, Inc.

Originally posted 2020-12-30 14:39:05. Republished by Blog Post Promoter


  1. I really like this man. I can feel he was a man of God. Now heโ€™s rejoicing and being rewarded for he has accomplish his mission on earth for the Glory of God! The way he speak, itโ€™s exactly how Jesus spoke.

  2. I was one time at a casket and I heard a short voice tell him to raise. I was afraid and the voice shot. Was for me to get faith that can raise the dead.

  3. God said to me never to bring His Word down to my experience. He said to bring my faith up to His Word. This may sound painful to some but our lack faith or perhaps sin are what stops Gods healing power. there may be other blocks in the way that need to be dealt with, perhaps it is a timing thing. Ask the author of our faith Christ Jesus to build up your faith. The devil is always after your faith and the Word of God. This culture wants to inject doubt in your faith. many people who have commented here are speaking for the devil whether they mean to or not. They are the ones who say healing cant be done through anyone. they twist Gods Word to match their faith level. But Jesus wants you to have the over comer faith
    Jesus said to ask, seek, and knock. He said to keep pressing deeper like the widow and the unjust judge., “all things are possible to him who believes. faith comes by hearing and hearing The Word of God! Minister to yourselves in Psalms hymns and spiritual songs. Build up your most holy faith by praying in The Holy Spirit ( praying in tongues). never give up!


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