Here from a Gospel Campaign in Oshogbo, Nigeria 2007, where many were healed.

But the greatest miracle is still when people get saved.
About this Reinhard says:

"People often ask me what is the greatest miracle we’ve seen in our Gospel Crusades. It is true that we have seen unbelievable healings and deliverances that defy modern science and human understanding, and for which we praise God.
But sickness is not the greatest evil, so healing is not the greatest miracle. Sin is the greatest evil – therefore, salvation is the greatest miracle. Jesus said, “there will be more joy in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine just persons who need no repentance” (Luke 15:7). We share Heaven’s joy in the greatest miracle of all – salvation!"

But anyway: It's wonderful and faith-strengthening to see God doing miracles also in our days.

Originally posted 2020-12-30 14:39:01. Republished by Blog Post Promoter


  1. Watching this I felt a tingling feeling all over my body it was like electricity….I have no doubt that it’s the power of the Holy Spirit…..Praise Jesus Amen…!!!

  2. Pure gospel of Jesus Christ amen 🙏! I’m praying for this kind of revival! No spraying of water , no bracelets no stickers , just the Name Jesus Christ and power of Holy Spirit . No occultism

  3. If you only listen to his preaching you will be heal of your sickness. Because the word never dies, it not him but the power behind the word. I have received my complete healing by watching his messages on the internet. you can too if you only believe in Jesus Christ.

  4. When I started watching the video of the Evangelist yesterday I received a touch of the Holy spirit upon my life and I’m willing to serve God more by evangelizing to win souls for the kingdom of God. Glory be to God.

    • John Doe sir with due respect if you don’t believe human beens I understand but let me tell you that King Jesús love you so much that he died for your sins in order for you to have life, if you give him an opportunity like I did he will prove to you the amazing love he have for you, he ask just have the faith of the smallest seed in the world the mustard seed and I will do wonders in your life if you accept the free give of salvation. Once appoint a time I was feeling like you and then I was challenge by another human been that told me sir do you want to be bless and have an opportunity to be in a place where you will very successful, I said yes that will be nice, he then told me are you willing to make a commitment to sling Jesus he is a supernatural God that can give you the desires of your heart if you accept him as lord an savior. He also told what do you have loose for trying, and I said you are write. But the man told me if what I’m telling you is correct you will have blessing up blessing instead of differing with life daily challenges.

  5. Hallelujah…. Dear Reinhard Bonnke sir, your prayers are still alive and I receive the anointing to open my Spiritual eyes through this prayers in the name of Jesus Christ! Amen…

  6. Bonnke is a man of God with the anointing of God upon him. God mightily used him in Africa, even in Nigeria, God bless you man of God.

    • @DPF I understand the very human cry for healing my wife is an emergency room nurse in our local hospital and my wife and i are getting old and we have many medical issues ourselves. However our healing comes when we die and we get an incorruptible eternal body. The healings in the bible were all for signs to Israel not for the body of Christ.

      Yes we agree to disagree . I too spoke with tongues for decades until I started to take the bible literally and work what was being said to whom. You can only be saved in this dispensation by the Gospel of Paul that is Gods design for today as much as people like to cherry pick from the other dispensations from God.

      Have a peaceful Lords day

    • ric david I am a gentile not a Jew both of which are ONE NEW MAN, no longer Jew or gentile.

      “Peter replied, “Each of you must repent of your sins and turn to God, and be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins. Then you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. This promise is to you, to your children, and to those far away —all who have been called by the Lord our God.””
      ‭‭Acts of the Apostles‬ ‭2:38-39‬ ‭NLT‬‬

      Jesus said the Holy Spirit would not be with believers but IN believers.

      “He is the Holy Spirit, who leads into all truth. The world cannot receive him, because it isn’t looking for him and doesn’t recognize him. But you know him, because he lives with you now and later will be IN you.”
      ‭‭John‬ ‭14:17‬ ‭NLT‬‬

      Let’s just agree to disagree. I am filled with the Holy Spirit and speak with new tongues.

      Forty years ago I was divinely healed before I was even saved and was not even looking for healing. I will stand by Gods word and my experiences.

    • @DPF I am a mid acts 9 dispensationalist and yes the bible tells me that that the law dispensation ended in mid acts 9 when the dispensation of Grace started. Paul taught that we are baptised BY the Holy spirit not WITH the Holy Spirit . Because you confuse the dispensations you assume that Acts 2 is for you. who were the people in Acts 2 at Pentacost? The Jews from all over the known world it was a continuation of what was promised in the last few verses of Luke which should not be surprising because it was Luke who wrote Acts. So if it was all Jews at pentacost and as you are so insistent on saying that their dispensation is yours which tribe of Israel are you from? You did not answer that first time round.

    • ric david So you’re a cessationist, that explains your inability to rightly divide the word. You my friend are the who believes in a law based Gospel. You claim to follow Paul but reject his clear teaching on the Baptism in the Holy Spirit and the manifestation of His Gifts.

  7. Greetings from Santa Monica’s California USA Locked. beautiful SOUL has gone home to see Jesus Christ RIP men antill we meet again some days in heaven Iam really missing Bonnkee’s voice in this pandemic season

  8. Please pray for my Daughter Dionne to get good memory power . Her final exams starting from 5th March 2018 to 27th March 2018. Please pray to score good marks for achieving her goal in her life. Amen

  9. The Gospel of Jesus is the salvation of men to restore them back to God. Thank you Jesus for saving me. God bless the man of God and his ministry and those working with men.


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