godsentmission #apostlejohnennin REINHARD BONNKE I HOW I GOT THE ANOINTING UPON MY LIFE To Support Our Work …


  1. As a young Sunday school teacher In the mid 1990s I was meditating on John 6:63 when I made a statement implying that only the Lord Jesus Christ can make that declaration. God sharply rebuked me audibly saying, "Jesus Christ did His work and is gone. My Word in your mouth is as powerful as My Word in His mouth!" After the outburst I couldn't still come to terms with God. How could I consider myself as equal to Jesus? I forgot that the Lord Himself said the things that He did we shall also do and even greater things than He had done. This has nothing to with claiming equality with Him as we can only do all these things through His name.

  2. Amen, my restrictions will be removed, I am delivered from the fear of men. The Spirit of God arise and overflowing in my life, spreading love,healing,fear of the Lord to my kids, family,community,states,country and all the nations in Jesus’s name I pray 🙏


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