Lord, have the blessing of the older imparted to the new! #CfaNLagos
Originally posted 2020-12-30 15:09:05. Republished by Blog Post Promoter
Lord, have the blessing of the older imparted to the new! #CfaNLagos
Originally posted 2020-12-30 15:09:05. Republished by Blog Post Promoter
Love you Reinhard Bonnke ? and Daniel Kolenda ?
Kc.28:26 If you have the evening light in one hand and the midnight Cry in the other, which spirit will you receive? One is a Message of restoration and it is William Branham. Whereas the other is a Message of restitution and it is Kacou Philippe. [Ed: The congregation says, “Amen!”]. It is not the same thing. Restore means re-establish, repair, regain strength, whereas restitute means return, put back in its original state and it is the Message of the midnight Cry. William Branham preached and baptised for restoration, but Kacou Philippe preaches and baptises for restitution. John the Baptist preached and baptised for repentance, but the Lord Jesus Christ and the apostles preached and baptised for remission of sins. The revelation is progressive and you must move forward with that. The Bible says that He is Him that walks in middle of the seven golden lamps. Remember this: “… what God gave and that the devil took has now been RESTITUTED to you.” Stick to what it has pleased God to give you today, if not, which spirit will you receive? Do not hybridize the Word and do not have the spirit of frog. [Ed: The congregation says, “Amen!”].
Yes, the annointed is appointed. Amen !
Men must know that according to John 9: 5 and John 6: 28-29, when you rejected the living prophet-messenger of your time, the Jesus Christ whom you worship is none other than the devil.
Kacou Philippe is a true Prophet from God
30. Know that when you are born, all family and relatives’ blessings and curses from Adam down hang above you. But when you reach the age of consciousness, not the sorcerers but your first actions determine your choice. And the solution is to return first to God through his prophet according to 2 Chronicles 20:20. Seek Salvation first. And Salvation is only through the living prophet of your time. Not an angel, not a book called Bible or Quran. Not a prophet called Moses, Jesus of Nazareth or Mahomet. But the words of a living man amongst you. And you, whatever difficulties and sufferings that you are going through, first, know that the person to blame for all this is yourself. And in search for a solution, you shall not go to just any prophet and not just anyone should lay his hands on you. You shall never trade your Salvation for an ephemeral relief from Satan in a Catholic, Protestant, evangelical or Branhamist church. In Genesis 50, Joseph asked that his bones should go up from Egypt with Prophet Moses. And you, if you are a chosen one, you must not die before you accept Kacou Philippe, the living prophet of your time.
Good morning from Santa Monica’s California USA Locked Thank you so much for uploading this Attachment we are following in YouTube channels Congratulations Excellent content RIP men antill we meet again some days in heaven Rest in perfect eternal life SIR
pq ele orou no colenda?
Thank God you give us such a man reinheart and Daniel..
Nice video! 0:11 that should be a meme btw:D
2. The transfer of spirits also takes place during clothing exchanges or lending with someone who is not a Brother or a Sister. Also by allying oneself with some people as it can be seen in 2 Chronicles 20:35 to 37 and 2 Chronicles 18 and 2 Chronicles 19:1 to 3. Jehoshaphat must understand that God does not want us to make friends with an unbeliever or an idolater. You do not have the right to go to a vigil, convention or meeting of those Catholic, Protestant, evangelical churches, missions and ministries including the whole of the Branhamists, that is to say those who still follow the Message of William Branham even in all its purity. For the consequence, it is the transfer of spirits. You cannot sing or pray with someone before you have agreed upon the last point that differentiates you, because behind a Branhamist, Baptist or Foursquare, there are as many demons as behind a Catholic. Do you grasp that? Behind a Catholic, Protestant, evangelical or a Branhamist, there are as many demons as behind one who follows Rosicrucianism, Freemasonry or Voodoo.
3. Hundreds of demons can stand behind only one falsehood. [Ed: The congregation says, “Amen!”]. And never pronounce yourselves on a dream of those people… Never gather together for the smallest prayer. If the situation surprised you, do not close your eyes or simply go out. The Bible says not to have communion with demons.
4. Do not get flattered by any word because you are not “brother” or “sisters” in the same Jesus-Christ. You do not have the right to call a Baptist or Adventist or Branhamist: “brother in Christ”, and do not let them call you this way. They are our neighbours and we love them for the Bible said, “Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself”. We look on their prayers as incantations in the name of Jesus Christ. And we look on their churches as the altars of the gods of Egypt. And we must be strict towards them to avoid any transfer of spirits in our lives.
5. And when somebody comes to us from those churches, whether he is baptised in the Name of Jesus-Christ or in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, whether he is baptised by immersion or aspersion, he must purely and simply be re-baptised.
6. You must know that there are two tendencies on the earth: them and us. “And he that is not with us is against us, and he that gathers not with us scatters.” Luke 11:23. Everything they are doing, it is witchcraft, leading souls into captivity for hell. The same way that we burn their bibles, treaties and others, it is in this way that God will cast them into the burning lake of fire.
7. We cannot call idolaters, enemies of God “brother or sister in Christ”. We have neither the same God, nor the same Holy Spirit. A Catholic is not your brother in Christ. A Protestant is not your brother in Christ. An evangelical is not your brother in Christ. A Branhamist is not your brother in Christ. A member of those missions and ministries cannot be your brother in Christ. They are just your neighbours.
8. The God of Israel is different from the god of the Arabs around Israel. And our God is different from the god of the churches which are around us. And these Catholics, Baptists, Methodists, and all those that you see around us, they are Iraqis, Jordanians, Lebanese, Syrians, Pakistanis and Arabs around us. Israel, it is the valley of the prophets and a son of God follows a living prophet because the prophet is the mouth of God on earth. The Bible is the book of the books of the prophets and a child of God cannot live outside of a living prophet. [Ed: The congregation says, “Amen!”].
9. Put these things into practice and I say that those spirits that you took from them in the past will be sent back to them. And in the Name of Jesus-Christ, it will be so! Have a mastery of this subject: “the transfer of spirits”. Burn those false bibles and the devil will know that he has no portion with you. Let those men know that you are not in the same dimension.
10. For you who come from the evening Message, there are some Branhamists who laid hands upon one another during the washing of the feet. At midnight, this is no more possible because of the transfer of spirits. It is the same for churches, assemblies where people who pray by holding hands or laying hands upon one another.
11. Never place those so-called representations of Jesus-Christ in your house. Even the one by Hofmann. The Apostles and the disciples opposed that. Eusebius too, the one who chose the 27 books of the New Testament amongst 62, opposed the depiction of Jesus. It was at the Constantinople Council in year 692 that the depiction of Jesus was authorized.
12. If the Lord Jesus-Christ is God, then He can appear under several forms, and it is an abomination to try to represent the Lord Jesus. The two disciples on the way of Emmaus did not recognize Him. In John 20: 11-16, Mary Magdalene did not recognize Him. And the Bible says that the Lord Jesus Christ appeared several times, under different forms. So, how will you represent Him? By trying to represent the Lord Jesus Christ, God will make that it is Judas that you will represent and place in your house.
13. Separate from what is impure. You see? We have not yet spent three years together but if I returned after spending three months on a trip, will you not recognize me? Then, how is it that three days later, in broad daylight, Simon Peter, Thomas, John, James and the other disciples who were fishing, did not recognize the Lord Jesus? All the same! You see? And Mark 16 says… let’s read that: “And after these things he was manifested in another form to two of them as they walked, going into the country”. Why? Because He is the Almighty God! And you, sons of the devil, you have ended up giving Him a representation. But I have the certainty that this so-called photograph of Jesus is closer to Judas Iscariote than to the Lord Jesus. [Ed: The congregation says, “Amen!”].
14. And I will end with this: Avoid saying, “God told me” because if it is not God, then you have called Satan your god. Thus, all those who are listening to you will receive that spirit. You can see right and clear revelations and nevertheless, it is of the devil.
15. And if somebody claims himself as a Christian and claims to have the Holy Spirit, if he rejects the midnight Cry, do not fear to tell him that he rather has a spirit of divination according to Ezekiel 33:1-9 and be pure of his blood on the day of the judgement.
16. And you know that it is more advantageous for you to preach the Message to your parents and acquaintances so that they may not seek to pray with you when you arrive at their homes… Go ahead of them! And be pure of their blood. Amen!
Wow so nice he did not appoint his family members but to anointed whom God chosen ???
did he go north or south and where did his 70 million righteousnesses go?
Kc. 133:10. La promesse du Salut a eu un chemin depuis le commencement en passant par Adam, Seth, Enoch, Noé, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob jusqu’à ce jour en passant par le Seigneur Jésus-Christ et les prophètes, en sorte que le Salut a les empreintes de chaque prophète. Et vous religieux de la terre, regardez la vision du 24 avril 1993 et vous verrez les empreintes d’Abraham, d’Isaac, de Jacob, de Daniel, de Christ et de chaque prophète.
11. Et vous me dites : « La Bible dit, le Coran dit, Frère Branham dit… ». Moi Kacou Philippe qui vous parle, je suis un prophète, et ce n’est pas la Bible ou le Coran qui doit me dire ce que je dois faire. En tant que prophète, ma mission n’est pas d’expliquer les paroles de mes prédécesseurs. Je suis un prophète, et je ne donne pas les restes de mes prédécesseurs à mes fidèles. Et mon ministère ne vient pas de la Torah, de la Bible, du Coran ou d’un autre livre saint. Mon ministère ne vient pas d’Asie, d’Europe, d’Amérique ou d’Afrique mais mon ministère est venu du Ciel par un ange le 24 avril 1993.
What happened with Bonnke? He looks sick.
Amen. The Anointed is Appointed.
If you reject Prophet Kacou Philippe, then it’s Satan that you call Jesus-Christ and whom you worship without knowing it. Noah, Moses, Elijah, Jesus-Christ, Paul and each prophet had his book and was the Way, the Truth and the Life in his time. And, today, for you, Prophet Kacou Philippe is the Light of the world and the Way, the Truth and the Life. No one can be saved unless by him. Today you are Christians, not because you walk according to the Bible, but because you walk according to Prophet Kacou Philippe.
Fortíssimo ?
viviane gonçalves sei italiana per favore
This is so beautiful ooooooh my God.
What a beautiful moment! Passing the torch with such generosity and purity of heart, without any bitterness, competition or jealousy, just pure love and tenderness towards Daniel Kolenda. This is a beautiful expression of the Kingdom of God. I hope I meet at least a few leaders like this in my lifetime.