REALITY of CHRISTIAN TEENS (what nobody tells you about christianity..) so happy your here:)) here is what being a christian is …


  1. being a Christian teen especially in America is hard because you have so much going up to tempt you. Crowd pleasing, school, parents, wanting to live the live of an average teen and what everyone has been led to think is "enjoying life" . When i started my senior year in high school, one of my teachers had us do a horoscope and zodiac sign thing.

  2. I JUST WANT TO SAY THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THIS VIDEO! I'm 11 no not a teen but I'm in middle school and have had a hard time making friends that will help me be more Godly. Ive recently came across a situation where my first group of "friends" were just immature people they would swear and use profanity just at the age of 11 or 12 and I hung around them so much at one point that energy bounced on to me and I'm sure you can imagine what happened from there….. I would do the same thing's knowing every time I did those things it would be another 10 pound bag of guilt added on my shoulders. Then one day I was reading my devotion (I read a kids devotion) and it was giving a example of EXACTLY what I was going through with my "friends" at the time and it was telling me exactly what would be the correct thing to do in that situation. And then I connected all the dots (there where prior signs and situations that happened with these people) at this point I KNEW what God was trying to tell me so I just stopped hanging around them and believe me it was hard and tempting but I stuck through it . now I don't have problems with them their just not people for me I haven't met knew friends yet that's a work in progress but I wanted to say thank you for this video.💕💕😊

  3. As the Holy Spirit soldiers of Christ we must obey JESUS 100% at all times and when we fall remember HIS grace is enough and our weaknesses. Always but always be cleansed in his blood and forever the I forever behold you for HE It's holy. This world is not enough enough for souls. We must advance the kingdom of God and to the world of darkness are our light shines bright and the darkness we must be complete examples of JESUS.

  4. Hi, I need some help from anyone.

    I'm 14 and from England. Recently I've been feeling like a terrible christian. I've fallen into a cycle of porn, lying, swearing, stealing. My parents are devout christians and so are some of my friends. Last week I went to a youth event with around 100 young christians. I can't help but find myself comparing myself to all the others. All of them were praying, getting prophetic word/ pictures/ raising their arms etc. But no matter how hard i tried nothing seemed to happen. I can't help but feel evetines is better/ more loved than me. I've had prayers for heeling before but i can be rt seem to hear god. What am I doing wrong? I'm in a very bad place at the moment and have tried to commit suicide before. I self harm and hate my life – this one tiny bit of faith i have is all i seem to be keeping me going. Help please.

    I've never dated anyone before but I met a buy the other day who i can't keep my eyes off. I've followed his insta under an anonymous name but problem is he goes to a completely different church so it's very unlikely I'll see him until next year

  5. im 13 and im backing away from jesus and god send a dream tell me to wake up.later on in the day i found your bff channel and i say ur link and it was like god was telling me something i thought that christians were like the ones who would froce things on u but i was wrong. im glad i found your channel.and on tic toc some christians scares me alot so i have to come off of it so could came down

  6. thank you. Ive been struggling a lot lately with the bible and Jesus. Today I read the first chapters of Romans and I feel so full! For the first time in a long time I feel so close to God and can feel His prescence. <3

  7. i am a christian in Brazil❤️🇧🇷✝️we are having a hard time as christians here because people want to eliminate the bible, please pray for our nation

  8. I was in church a few weeks ago and I over heard the person behind me say, “At my old church I felt like I was being talked AT, but here i feel like im being talked TO.” That spoke to me because my old church’s youth group went down hill. They started trying to basically bribe us to go, saying if we went we’d get to go on a trip. Now the church that I go to feels like your welcomed in with open arms, not shut out, and the sermons really speak to me. Anyway I felt like I should share that. To all of you who feel like you’ve been talked AT instead of TO just know that there’s more to God then just “anxious? Call Jesus”


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