Real Talk about Divorce | Christian Family | TEDxColumbus

Divorce is the result of everything that happened leading up to it and it sets the stage for everything that happens after. Due to the …


  1. I have always suspected my wife was cheating on me. We have been married for 12 years now and its been a smooth ride until last year when she changed and started seeing other men. A friend of mine linked me up with a great hacker ultimate Hack who helped me hack into her phone, I had complete access to her phone right on my device and I could monitor all her activities for the past 2 years and also have access to new notifications, her location, call logs, text messages and all. I was left with no other choice.I loved my wife so much and I just dont know why she chose to betray me, I have been a good husband and never for once cheated on her. I tracked her down to a hotel where I found her with another man . You can contact them at ultimatehack003 at gmail or Whatsapp +17202954268 or text and call them directly on the same number.They helped me get access into her phone without even touching her phone.I have enough evidence against my wife now and I am thinking of Filing for divorce. I want advice from men and other women on here, should I give her another chance because of our kids or file for divorce ? We have a 9 months old baby

  2. There is no scripture in the bible that permits remarriage. You can justify remarriage and say it's God's will. It's Adultery whichever way you put it. These are all man-made beliefs that you can divorce and remarry. No bible verse permits this. Marriage is a very serious covenant that is not to be played with.

  3. I believe trust in relationship is overrated. After my husband was always making calls at night , I would ask and he would just wave off those calls as unimportant.I couldn’t deal with all his lies anymore at some point. Then I decided to find a way to know what was going on and I had to talk to a colleague of mine at work which referred me to this great hacking team ultimate hack who helped clone his cellphone without having to touch his device. To my surprise my husband has been a cheating Narcissist. and I’m glad i found out all his secrets and infidelity and how he planned on using this pandemic to get back to me. I got access to his Facebook, iMessage, GPS location , WhatsApp, Call Logs and Text Messages both recent and deleted ones with a remote link that was processed . I’m here in New York and was able to access my husband’s phone even while he was away in Australia cheating on me. I was heartbroken when I found out about all the conversation my husband was having with other girls and how he was flirting on dating site. I am glad I was able to get help. you can contact them via email at ultimatehack003(at)gmail com or via WhatsApp,text or call +1(720) 295-4268 now i have enough evidence to go through divorce but I’m not sure if I should let him go or stay cause we have 4 years old girl together. Please I need advice to know if I should just let him go

  4. This speech is full of Satan’s lies. Don’t pretend to be angel of light. Your divorce is from generational curse, and will pass onto your kids100% guaranteed. This is adultery.

  5. Thanks for the video may God bless you more. I was also facing a marital abuse in my marriage and I thank God that everything is settled.
    Are you facing any marital and relationship issues, Dr Ncube has the solution to the problems… message me for more information…

  6. Most of these Ted Talks are notified but a glorified LinkedIn media medium which allows narcissistic people who crave praise a platform to be praised. Nothing she said was not is should not be helpful to anyone. Her husband left her for a man. Who would tell that story. Makes her look bad…

  7. Yes ma’am! Currently moving forward with divorce number 2. Each one presented new opportunities. It’s hard, but sometimes necessary. You only have one life to live. Don’t waste it miserable. You don’t have to see everything through to completion. God gives us wisdom and discernment. If it’s heading in the wrong direction with no end in sight don’t be afraid to jump out the car and reroute. Not saying to give up without a fight, but you’ll know in your heart of hearts if leaving is the right thing to do. My stories are similar to yours. Third time is the charm!!!❤️

  8. Divorce comes with the inability to take responsibility for one's transgressions in the marriage. It's not so much what they do to you, but failing to acknowledge the pain inflicted by their actions.

  9. Thank you for telling my story on stage but I didn't learn to love and respect myself until after three. But, alas, I'm now full of wholeness and life and stability. So grateful for the journey. Wish I could have learned it without all the sorrow.

  10. Make sure you are Tithing faithfully. When I obey God in my Tithing my family is much more peaceful God gives us peace, mysteriously my kids and spouse love me much more when I obey God and Tithe faithfully.

  11. this was a great self motivational speech, its not Bible these are not God words in reference to what is written, So then if, while her husband liveth, she be married to another man, she shall be called an adulteress, James 4:4 you adulterous people dont you know that friendship with the world means enmity against God

  12. It kills me that there are people in these comments that would rather a woman stay in an abusive relationship and end up dead vs leave because “God hate’s divorce”. Here’s the thing, refer to the Bible:

    Ephesians 5:25

    “Husbands, love your wives, as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her”

    I don’t remember Jesus throwing punches anywhere in the Bible 🤔

  13. A divorce lawyer that came from a broken home and married twice and is single and in her late 40s teaching married and potential married couples about divorce…only in America.
    I bet you she was not at fault in none of her marriages…this world has gone mad.

  14. I want "better" and if you end up "worse" I'll rationalize my jump to the next "opportunity", but I'll agree to both. THIS IS PRECISELY WHAT CAUSES DIVORCE AND THE DECLINE OF CIVILIZATION.

  15. Loving this video. I believe divorce should be rebranded. Divorce is an invasive treatment for a sickness. Much like chemotherapy. It will take about a year and you might loose hair but if you don't do it you might actually die.

  16. I went through a lot of financial crisis during my divorce, I had to raise my two kids alone, Currently I'm living smart and frugal with my money. Bought my second house already. Saving and investing lifestyle made it possible for me; even till now I earn monthly through passive income. I'm planning on retiring when my kids finish college.

  17. First of all.
    You women must not teach in the mixed congregations, you are commanded to remain SILENT.

    As for the subject of Divorce & Adulterous remarriages…..
    "2 Some Pharisees came to test him. They asked, “Can a husband divorce his wife?”

    3 Jesus answered them, “What command did Moses give you?”

    4 They said, “Moses allowed a man to give his wife a written notice to divorce her.”

    5 Jesus said to them, “He wrote this command for you **because you're heartless.

    6 But God made them male and female in the beginning, at creation.

    7 That's why a man will leave his father and mother and will remain united with his wife, 8 and the two will be one.

    So they are no longer two but one.

    9 Therefore, don't let anyone separate what God has joined together.”

    10 When they were in a house, the disciples asked him about this.

    11 He answered them, “Whoever divorces his wife and marries another woman is committing adultery.

    12 If a wife divorces her husband and marries another man, she is committing adultery.”

    Mark 10:2-12 (GW)

    So all must stop deceiving people into believing divorce & and adulterous remarriages are fine with God, they aren't.

    "The unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived neither fornicators, nor idolaters,** nor adulterers** nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind, 10 Nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners, shall inherit the kingdom of God".

    1 Corinthians 6:9-10 (KJV)


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