Today, we thank every father. There are men who generously pour into their children, knowing the pain and sacrifice of being a …


  1. Phenomenal Sermon & I'm glad to find the full video as The Media is running with their Narratives & Respecting The Powerful Message,Thank TD Jakes!💯💪🏾💪🏾💪🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾

  2. j'ai dû déployer toute mes compétences en anglais pour suivre 😅😂, jsuis pas du genre a écouter les pasteurs ou autres qui se prétendent messager de Dieu mais cet homme parle, je le découvre aujourd'hui et c'est vraiment rare pour moi d'être autant captivé par les paroles de prêcheurs mais il a l'air sincère et dit des paroles tellement sensées et dénuées de profis.. respect

  3. Uhhh very powerful teaching.
    Am loving it. Adam break the order, then sin started…that part!
    What a great preacher! Am renewed every day listening to yr teachings. Blessings to you and yr family bishop🙏🏾
    Bless you Bishop

  4. In a true marriage how does asking for money work? A true marriage you all have a budget and decide together how things are going to go. With two sensible, godly people that mess of begging and asking is ridiculous

  5. As a man who doesn’t not do religion I’ve always had a genuine love for Bishop TD Jakes so I say this to say this was probably one of the best messages I’ve ever heard in for me this was more like a reality check
    I don’t understand how black women are so offended by what he said but I appreciate you all because without your anger I probably would have never came across this message

  6. As a man who doesn’t not do religion I’ve always had a genuine love for Bishop TD Jakes so I say this to say this was probably one of the best messages I’ve ever heard in for me this was more like a reality check
    I don’t understand how black women are so offended by what he said but I appreciate you all because without your anger I probably would have never came across this message

  7. Did I miss something? This sermon is a blessing and any woman who is offended should be grateful that God loves her enough to afford her the opportunity to be in the midst of that message to run up during altar call to get delivered from her emotional wounds and follow-up with wise counsel. If the Word of God convicts you, take heed because only a fool refuses to change.

  8. Us women seeing time passing on us and our fathers leaving us. We feel such a relief when a man comes into our life and make us feel some type of way, so we pour more than he pour into us because as the pastor said it was never our jobs (women) to pour that much into men so now I understand and makes all sense why we are so dry up when they left us because it was never our jobs to do so.
    Thanks TD✔️ . Bless you!


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