A controversial film about Islam, An Arguing with atheists, and much more on this week's PIC OF THE WEEK! this week on Christian Cinema weekly!

Muhammad in His Own Words

The Fool – The Angry Atheist

The Steph Carse My Shining Hour TV Special


Originally posted 2021-01-07 10:43:35. Republished by Blog Post Promoter


  1. Nice video! Love to hear what’s going on in the Christian cinema sphere. I’m working on my first documentary. It’s about Christian pastors and Bible scholars who had believed certain doctrines that were propagated through Christian movies and books, that later they found out weren’t scriptural! We are following my friend, Pastor Christopher Mantei, along with other Christian Bible teachers and authors on a quest for truth! This film will help Christians think critically about what they have been taught in Christian culture and make sure it lines up with the Word of God, an essential tool in our era where deception is creeping in to the church.

    • Interesting stuff! There is definitely a need to assess much of modern evangelicalism theology against the Word. I think most people that go to seminary just adopt that particular dogma & run with it. Objectivity is key with Scripture.


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