Race & Privilege: A Social Experiment | Regardless Of Race | CNA Insider

We say the words, “Regardless of race, language or religion.” But majority privilege may be more real in Singapore than some …


  1. I think we can all agree on something, almost every single country in the world people don’t care if you’re white unless it’s like a small country where nobody has seen anybody who is white. Or a small village island tribe etc. The chance of somebody being racist towards a white person doesn’t exist. Sure people may be mad but not usually because you’ve wronged them or they’re just mad at everybody regardless of race. I get mad at people who say white people aren’t privileged. I’m white and I’m aware of my privilege I can walk into a restaurant and not be screamed at. I hate people who say that racism towards white people is a common thing.

  2. Interesting to see the racial perceptions in Singapore.. I'm pretty sure it varies from country to country as in my country (The U.S.A) it varies from sub city to sub city..drastic changes can happen a block or two away depending on the race and class

  3. Let's repeat this "exercise" again in the country of origin of the "experimenter". Why do countries openly invite immegrants who move to a foreign country, then demand that country change to meet their needs? Meanwhile, the country of origin for the immegrant fails to accept citizens who except immegrants, no resiprocity. Therefore, the citizens of the country excepting immegrants from a country with no resiprosity, in totality, limit the opportunities for their native citizens by increasing competition, setting diversity targets and excluding natural born from taking a high paying job in the immigrants country of origin. Only a finite number of jobs in the world and limiting natural born citizens, by any means should be prevented. However, this "experiment" just highlights why an idealogical falocy regarding "equity" is dangerous to the well being of the Native born citizens.

  4. In Nepal there two difrrent types of race living in one country as Nepalese, Indo Iranian & Mongloids and the is so much racism and discrimination towards Mongloids by Indo Iranians who controls entire country & almost everything in Nepal…!

  5. "Racism is not dead, but it is on life support — kept alive by politicians, race hustlers and people who get a sense of superiority by denouncing others as racists"-Thomas Sowell.

  6. Dividing people into categories based on skin tone, background, heritage, etc. will not solve anything and to sit back act pompous is but immature I for one think everyone is privileged to something no matter who you are rich or poor. Do I believe we should dwell on it? Course not is that big a deal? Nope it so happens people have what they have and live where they live this is simply absurd judgement brought down by those with under developed brains


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