@Drmikeokonkwo will say, “you cannot get a ride from the devil and expect angels on arrival”.
When you understand that Life is SPIRITUAL, you will not bother about many things, but be careful.
What we call people are just flesh, the reality of a person is the Spirit at work in him or her.
While many are busy castigating R.Kelly, they are worse off.
People who sleep with animals are waging their tongues.
People who sleep with other wives, husbands, church members, hopping from bed to bed and countless escapades are all calling
for his head. Kidnappers, Corrupt Politicians, Thieves and even Terrorists are all calling him names.
You steal Church money, your office money, your company properties, government properties, public funds
and you think you are better.
If you are caught in that act, what will be said of you.
Even the person who harbours UNFORGIVENESS.
Listen, they all are SIN, no difference.
This is a wake-up call, not a judgement call.
Don’t have high expectations of a person because they are famous?
Too Bad, What you See is Not What is always There.
The Screen is Fake.
The Spotlight is not always light.
It’s all Scripted.
Make Belief.
And that’s why you and I, must guard our hearts cos what we become stems from it. Proverbs 4:23
Control what you hear and see, much more control what your children hear and see.
The media(tv, radio, print, internet) is the gateway to our Hearts. Either for good or bad.
You cannot expect people who are under influence of drugs, alcohol and demons to act otherwise.
You wonder what concerns demons in this?
They are ministering spirits assigned by the devil to give guidance to people. and they can speak to anyone, yes, anyone including me. And often the defence of our hearts are low and evil thoughts gain grounds and becomes acts.
Every evil under the sun was triggered by a demon on assignment to that person to cause havoc to
For most of the people we admire on the screen and if your drive for the screen is obsessive hear this:
If the devil bankrolls you, he must use you,
If he uses you, He must Dump you.
Everything you see on earth has a Spiritual Control Panel.
Stop Chasing Trends, they always come to an end.
Stop Chasing Fame, they always Fade.
Seek Ye First the Kingdom of God and its righteousness and every other thing will be added.
If you don’t have a relationship with Jesus, now is the time. That thing/person you are depending on will fail you.
Accept Jesus Today.
—Osita Rich—