Pursuit Of Freedom | Full Movie | Incredible True Story

Pursuit Of Freedom – The real life story of a Ukrainian woman who was separated from her three children and sold into trafficking …


  1. Men without GOD ALMIGHTY, the LORD JESUS CHRIST, are full of hatred and evil in their heart and soul. They think they have power to rule the world and peoples life. They forget there is a GOD, WHO judge soul and body, WHO takes the breath away. Without repentance and not excepting JESUS CHRIST as your GOD and SAVIOR, men will be burn to death in the lake of fire. The BIBLE calls it hell! REPENT BEFORE IT'S TO LATE!

  2. @Movie Central. You have a lot of links for different kinds of movies, any links for Christian Movies? I hope that you will answer. It's hard to tell if a movie is a Christian one, unless it says Faith base, inspirational, Christian, or something like that.

  3. I read above & this is partial of what it says: The real life story of a Ukrainian woman who was separated from her three children and sold into trafficking by Russian gangsters.
    I read that above & I thought that I didn't want to watch it, seeing a woman being sold into trafficking. To me that's too painful for her, as well as not having her children with her. But I read some of the comments below & it sounded that God did a miracle for her, so I'm going to watch it. But I really don't want to see her in pain, I've had enough of pain in my life already.

  4. Hallelu YAH! Our awesome God is so faithful! Faith in Yeshu/Jesus does not eliminate problems but as He said, He will be with us until the end of the age and in this life we WILL have tribulations; but be of good cheer HE has overcome the worlf!!!
    Best movie I've seen! Bawling

  5. I'm glad that I watched this movie, God is so Good. I kept praying thru out the movie for her & her children. I'm so happy that she is still alive & had time with her children. I pray that God will heal her completely, physically, mentally & Spiritually. That she can have more Special Time with her grown up children & that they pray to God thru our Lord & Savior Jesus Christ. Bless them Lord, keep them safe & healthy at all times. Lord always remind them of what you did for them, that your Love brought them thru. Also I pray for the grown up children in what they went thru, that God will heal them in every area of their life that is needed. I pray for the people that helped them & Please Lord Bless their Hears for doing all that they did for the family. In Jesus' name I pray, Amen.. @Movie Central, Thank You So Much for sharing this true story. I had tears in different parts of the movie. I Loved how God came thru for them because of their strong Faith. All things are possible with God, even when he comes the last minute – as you saw in this movie close to the end. Thanks. 🙂

  6. We serve an awesome God, to Him be all the glory, for indeed there's no pit too deep that His hand isn't deeper still to take us out of. This movie has given me much encouragement to keep trusting in God to the very end in all things. The revelation of this movie to me was to realise how God goes to the highest authority for His goodness to be done, for He is the highest Authority. I almost bawl out at the end to see that plane be ordered with such divine authority to go back for those children, Jesus! Tears of sorrow, and heartbreak, but moreso tears of joy! Blessings to you all ❤❤

  7. This is a Russia, Russia, Russia propaganda film. In real time reality, Russia is actually after Ukraine for their horrific use of using children for their adrenochrome production worldwide. DO YOUR RESEARCH AND DON'T BUY INTO THE PROPAGANDA MACHINE!!!!

  8. Wasting time! This movie is a headache to watch. Very bad done and everything is dark. Made in USA with ucrainians refugees. Unfortunately, in every big city in Europe there are a lot of Ukrainian prostitutes, and the Ukrainian men are the biggest smugglers. Ukraine is the poorest and the most corrupted country in Europe.


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