Remnant Christian Network is committed to the teaching of sound, undiluted word of God, and prayer. We strive for the rebirth of …


  1. i watched this message that night i had a dream that i lost love to material things God as idea was not to make man to build towers and eat meat but to be gods in earth if God where he is releases his dimension we fellowship and have it time to time i was crying even now as i write he released a new dimension now we are too small and far from his dimension so lets get to him please

  2. The difference between a prophet and a deviner is that the prophet speaks the things of God and a deviner is one that speaks from the foul spirit and the fact that they speak your name doesn't mean it's from God.

  3. I love these messages could links be introduced in the description for things such as 5 doctrinal diseases. I know they are around but it would really help to have links to these principles so we can be edified more.

  4. My name is Russell levers chosen by God to be a mighty mighty prophet greater than Elijah and Elisha hallelujah Hallelujah glory to Jesus Christ 💙💙💙💙💙♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️😭😭😭❤️💞💖💖💕💕💕💕💕💗💗💗💘


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