Professor Dave Destroys Kent Hovind (Young Earth Creationism Debunk)

A channel named Modern Day Debate reached out to me based on my flat earth debunking to see if I would debate someone …


  1. Kent is one of the worst debaters ever what would beating spongebob over the head and being paternising calling a literal professor son when he has zero credentials himself does he not understand how arrogant he comes off as?

  2. This is what I hate about the "belief" system. There is NO empirical data or empirical evidence that anything in the bible is a FACT. The whole structure relating to the bible is a belief system. Nothing written in the bible is observable, or evidentiary. The idea that god created everything is an idea or an assumption at best. There is no evidence to corroborate that and there is no information that can formulate a test to prove or disprove it. Evolution is FACT and evidence based. It is empirical. Evolution has been documented, studied, TESTED and Corroborated over and over again for hundreds of years. I have had this debate many times. "Just cause you believe something doesn't make it a fact". If there is no way to prove it's a fact with empirical evidence,, then at best it's a hypothesis at worst it's outright wrong. Science has absolutely no room for the "belief" system as it doesn't add anything of value to the scientific community.

  3. Lol James said Kent is a very good debater? Lol every time Dave says something or asks a different question, Kent responds with 1 of 5 things, or outright denies what Dave says. Those things in and of themselves make Kent the worst debater in the history of debating. I would love to see Kent go up against Jordan Peterson.

  4. In Ireland we would call Kent the two ends of a bollox and there's one in every bar. There's no winning this fight those who follow him aren't following him for his points or arguments they follow him because he stroked them right. Some might say don't fight him feed him enough rope to hang himself but that won't work with his calibre of fools. Ya same talking point over and over but that doesn't even matter notice the expert timing of his interruptions and when his volume goes up. He's the most proficient gobshite I've ever heard.

  5. This is a silly exercise. You should debate Hugh Ross. Their organization and cadre of research scientists is the only one with a detailed comprehensive explanation of origin of life and other phenomena. Only testable model too. Debating Kent Hovind is an exercise in absurdity.

  6. I do think Dave comes out very aggressive and wanting to correct Kent on everything, but very simply, should of stuck to the hard evidence, let Kent ramble off on his Bible but always bring it back to the core topics of dating of objects to beyond 4000BC, maybe bring in polydactial mutations in humans, and other things, fighting on his own facts instead of on Kent's

  7. Man ….. The people that Dave demolishes will never admit defeat in any way. The only thing I can think of is that their beliefs in something might get so passionate and they get so laser focused on a specific topic that it’s to hurtful to their pride and ego that they spare themselves the embarrassment…. Especially when they put themselves out there on the web for the world to witness lmao

  8. Kent is great at coming up with analogies that appeal to very simple minded uneducated people. He is horrible at discussing complex scientific facts. "It's still a strawberry!!" He keeps yelling it louder and louder. It still doesn't make sense…unless you are simple minded. We have to appeal to the simple minded.


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