Pro-Choicer Defeated By Simple Logic | Kristan Hawkins | UTSA

It’s easy to stump a pro-choicer when the truth is on your side. Also, if you advocate for abortion, you should at least know whether …


  1. Wow our colleges are more f ed up more than I thought…these kids are stupid and only care about what they've been taught climate change, abortion, kill Jews, and racism.

  2. I get the whole “ oh no you’re killing a human it’s murder” but I mean come on the problems not that they dont want a baby half the time it’s the fact that they could potentially die from something wrong with a baby or many other things. But also many other things are labeled as “abortion” such as just general surgery on “the lower”. Which if some surgeries aren’t done that person could die, but it’s illegal because it’s labeled as abortion and may get the person in prison for life for just wanting to live.

  3. Lord. Please have facts and know what you are debating before you head to the mic. You can’t make a point, get stumped, and look around lost for help. It proves that you don’t have a solid view or opinion based on facts. You got up there and made yourself look dumb and confused


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