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Hi everyone! We decided to bring back a popular topic to hear other people’s perspective on Pro Life vs Pro Choice. This is definitely a difficult topic since we all have our own opinions and experiences on whether we believe in one side or the other.
Do you know anyone in your life that has either got an abortion or decided to keep the baby & what has that experience been for them?
Thousands of women died for centuries attempting to induce their own abortions when access to medical abortions was not available. By banning abortions you are not stopping abortions, you are outlawing SAFE abortions.
Do all you pro-lifers eat meat? Those animals don't have anyyyyyy choice to keep their lives, they don't have a voice, they suffer. Hmm? I mean just something to think about. Animals are as innocent as babies
As a public health practioner, i see how sex education is mandatory. When you think sex-ed, we think contraceptives, abstinence, STDs, etc which yes is useful information but when people aren't educated enough about conception, they'll say things like "cluster of cells" to describe prenatal development. Which really is unfortunate.
as soon as there’s a choice for a mother not to breastfeed your child and starve them, then I will support abortion, but only if they are not ripped and torn apart.
If you don't want a T-bone accident, why does that mean you don't run stop signs? That's an argument against t-bone accidents, not an argument against running stop signs, which is a strawman argument
the same people who allow abortion is probably the same kind of person who thinks someone eating their steak with ketchup is perfectly ok for them to do if they want
Hi everyone! We decided to bring back a popular topic to hear other people’s perspective on Pro Life vs Pro Choice. This is definitely a difficult topic since we all have our own opinions and experiences on whether we believe in one side or the other.
Do you know anyone in your life that has either got an abortion or decided to keep the baby & what has that experience been for them?
Thousands of women died for centuries attempting to induce their own abortions when access to medical abortions was not available. By banning abortions you are not stopping abortions, you are outlawing SAFE abortions.
I noticed all the pro lifers are more attractive than the pro choicers… hmm Coincidence? I think not.
I'm pro-choice, but when it comes to conservatives, I'm just straight pro-abortion. Doing humanity a favour
Do all you pro-lifers eat meat? Those animals don't have anyyyyyy choice to keep their lives, they don't have a voice, they suffer. Hmm? I mean just something to think about. Animals are as innocent as babies
As a public health practioner, i see how sex education is mandatory. When you think sex-ed, we think contraceptives, abstinence, STDs, etc which yes is useful information but when people aren't educated enough about conception, they'll say things like "cluster of cells" to describe prenatal development. Which really is unfortunate.
Are any of these Prochoice people antilife?
Pro adoption > pro abortion
as soon as there’s a choice for a mother not to breastfeed your child and starve them, then I will support abortion, but only if they are not ripped and torn apart.
after we would get rid of neglect laws, then I will support abortion
in the constitution, there should be a ryte to be born
So basically all this woman had abortions because they were not responsible in using protection so the baby pays?
Saying "the 20th booster doesn't even exist and isn't an argument against getting vaccinated"
Is lyke saying:
"a t-bone accident hasn't happened to us and isn't an argument against running stop signs"
If you don't want a T-bone accident, why does that mean you don't run stop signs?
That's an argument against t-bone accidents, not an argument against running stop signs, which is a strawman argument
Not having kids is UNFAIR to society!!!!
People should be required by law to have kids or they should go to jail
the same people who allow abortion is probably the same kind of person who thinks someone eating their steak with ketchup is perfectly ok for them to do if they want
Only punish the person who is at fault of the outcome from the situation. That's definitely not the baby
Get your 20th booster sheep 🐑🐑🐑
My papa bear jay ares light went out
Pro life is the truth