Are you tempted to give up on prayer when answers seem delayed? The Word of God and Prayer are the essential means of …


  1. This is an awesome heart refining and great illuminating new year present from scrool reader. We receive this with thanksgiving. We really appreciate your labour and devotion. May your labour not be invain both in this life and in eternity. Amen!

  2. " The Gospel consist not in words alone, but in the Power of God " The Holy Bible. Thanks for this encouraging words and experiences. Not the lies of the counterfeit false prosperity cults. Jesus said the sign of the end time is deceivers. The more value it has to hear God is the same today, yesterday and forever.

  3. Thx for posting this. I am not an auditory learner- more visual, but this is good. Is there a way to slow down the speed of reading? Anyone know how to do that? I love the picture & the knocking sound.

  4. How much this world needs solid biblical teaching in the hour that Jesus said Matt 24:5 ,11. I need to keep thy Word in my heart that i sin not against You ( Psalm 119: 11).
    Blessings from New Zealand ❤❤❤


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