PREMONITION DUKE(Chike Daniels) and MABEL(Chinelo Enemchukwu) are a not so happy couple with thier only daughter …


  1. I love treasure (Sandra) wit my whole is because of her I even open this movie to watch not only she's a real christian and also display her Christianity in all movies my love for her is massive

  2. Wonderful movie! I especially like how Sandra, after going through so much adversity in her own home, found grace in heart to forgive her father. Very heartwarming! Our Lord tells us in Luke 17:4 "Even if he sins against you seven times in a day, and seven times returns to say, 'I repent,' you must forgive him."

    In the real world, forgiving according to the Bible can be very difficult. Can you imagine someone offending you 7 times in one day and then having to forgive them?

    This is why we need to stop trying to fulfill God's will in the flesh, and instead depend on the Lord Jesus by the spirit! Only by relying on the divine person of Christ can we forgive as the Bible tells us to. Otherwise, our natural efforts will be futile and vain.

    For this we need to have a habit of calling on the name of Jesus (Romans 10:13), a life of prayer (1 Thessalonians 5:17), and a practice of Bible-reading combined with praying over the verses (Ephesians 6:17-18). Our lives are not our own …we belong to Jesus.

  3. I came here from Facebook
    This movie is a lesson
    That's how mothers should protect their children
    Sandra your mother is one in a million
    She's the kind of mother every child deserves


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