How many people experience that when you go to pray, you do not know what to pray for as you ought? This song is a cry from the heart of one who is seeking to live before the throne of grace in order to come to a rich life with Jesus.

Lyrics: Precious Jesus, teach me how I ought to pray

Precious Jesus, teach me how I ought to pray;
For I know, dear Savior, there’s no other way.
How my wretched pride, Lord, makes such empty words –
Will not let my heart’s need at Your throne be heard.
How my wretched pride, Lord, makes such empty words –
Will not let my heart’s need at Your throne be heard.
Precious Jesus, show me just how poor I am.
May I never be, Lord, one who is lukewarm.
Give me deeper hunger; give me greater thirst,
So that I may ever seek God’s kingdom first.
Give me deeper hunger; give me greater thirst,
So that I may ever seek God’s kingdom first.

Precious Jesus, teach me how to walk in prayer;
Every law You give me, help me keep with care.
Make me truly earnest; Lord, renew my mind!
That by death to self-life, I new life might find.
Make me truly earnest; Lord, renew my mind!
That by death to self-life, I new life might find.

Title: Precious Jesus, teach me how I ought to pray
Lyrics: Elihu Pedersen
Melody: Magnus Madsen
Vocals: Michael Janz
From the songbook “Ways of the Lord” #290

Brunstad Christian Church
© Stiftelsen Skjulte Skatters Forlag 2017

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Originally posted 2021-01-07 10:23:35. Republished by Blog Post Promoter



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