This evangelism encounter is POWERFUL. Watch an intelligent college student PRESS street-preacher Todd Friel on the …


  1. One of the biggest tell tell factors that Christian is the true religion is that every other religion is respected and if not accepted as truth by all people they will at least in some way respect that. You could stand on a street corner and tell people to worship the devil or to trust in the Hindu gods be a Muslim and believe in allah .But as soon as you tell people to repent turn from their life of sin and believe in Jesus Christ they will hate you curse you get law enforcement involved even threatening with violence when the Bible says to Love your enemies so in a nut shell if some one was to spit in your face punch you and talk down to you Jesus Christ says to respond to them kindly show them love and compassion even offer clothe them and buy them food if they were with out.

  2. God is not willing that anyone should perish. But so many are selfish and what life on their own terms just like Satin.
    We must choose Jesus and follow Him! He is the way the Truth and Life.
    I for one am grateful there is any choice for me. I choose Jesus Thankfully absolutely. 💯 percent

  3. 1 Corinthians 1:18- For the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being
    saved it is the power of God.

    Consider that the God who made heaven and earth and everything in it could have stayed in Heaven and every person who has ever lived would be justly condemned to hell for eternity because of our sin and rebellion toward him but instead he sent his son into the world that many may be saved through him. Repent and trust in this Jesus and you will be saved.

  4. I think that question is answered in two ways. Look at Cornelius in the book of Acts! The other one is through visions and dreams! GOD is not limited how HE can share the gospel with others! There are thousands of Muslim converts that come to CHRIST through dreams and visions! I believe any man who truly seeks the Living GOD will find the knowledge of CHRIST they need for salvation even if CHRIST has to visit them HIMSELF in their dreams!

  5. @ .30… The preacher stated: ‘We are not good. Nobody does good. Nobody is perfect. We all fall short of God’s standard. We all justly deserve his tempter & eternal punishment. We live under the Wrath of God.

    According to God’s Word Man was made in God’s image and glory (Gen.1:27; ICor.11:7; James 3:9)
    That image is NOT born fallen. Sin is a choice. By choice man choose to sin or obey. If one sins, they have chosen to defile the image of glory God gave.

    Re: Rom.3:12 was NOT universal statement.
    When Paul said, 'No one is good, no not one'. Paul was referring to the unbelievers – Psalm10:4; 14:1-4; 53:1-4.
    When God made everything including man he said it was 'VERY GOOD' – Gen.1:31.

    Scriptures speak of those who Seek GOOD, ARE GOOD, be GOOD, and he that does GOOD is of God, & they that have Done GOOD will have eternal life. Scripture speaks of the desire of the righteous is ONLY GOOD along with mercy & truth will be to them that device GOOD. Here are the scriptures:

    Amos 5:14 Seek Good not Evil, that You may Live. Then the LORD God Almighty will be with You, just as You say He is.
    Psalm 125:4 Do good, O LORD, to those that BE GOOD and to them that are UPRIGHT in their hearts.
    3Jn.1:11 Beloved, follow not that which is evil, but that which is GOOD. He that DOES GOOD is of God: but he that does evil has not seen God.
    John 5:29 they that have DONE GOOD unto the resurrection of life
    Proverbs 11:23 The desire of the righteous is ONLY GOOD but the expectation of the wicked is wrath.
    Proverbs 14:22 Do they not err that devise evil? but mercy & truth will be to them that DEVICE GOOD


    Prov.12:2 A GOOD MAN obtains favor of the LORD: but a man of wicked devices will he condemn.
    Prov.13:22 A GOOD MAN leaves an inheritance to his children's children: and the wealth of the sinner is laid up for the just.

    Prov.14:14 The backslider in heart will be filled with his own ways: & A GOOD MAN will be satisfied from himself Psalm 37:23 The steps of A GOOD MAN are ordered by the LORD: and he delights in his way.
    Psalm 112:5 A GOOD MAN shows favor, and lends: he will guide his affairs with discretion.

    Mat.12:35; Lk.6:45 A GOOD MAN out of the good treasure of the heart brings forth good things: and an evil man out of the evil treasure brings forth evil things.

    Mk.14:14 …Jesus said say to the GOOD MAN of the house, where’s the Guest Chamber where I will eat the Passover with my disciples?

    Re: Romans 3:23 – All is not a Universal statement. Rom.5:14 proves it.
    Romans 5:14 reads… ‘Nevertheless, death reigned from Adam to Moses, even over them that had NOT sinned after the similitude of Adam's transgression, who is the figure of him (Christ) that was to come’.

    The words "Come short" implies fallen not born short of God's glory. And… The word ‘Sinned’ is past-tense.
    The scriptures speak of the falling away happens upon youth of the knowledge of good & evil – Gen.8:21; Jer.3:25; 22:21; 32:30; 2Sam.19:7; Job 13:26; 20:11; Ps.25:7; 127:4; Eccl.11:9-10; 12:1.

    God is able TO KEEP YOU FROM FALLING but you MUST OBEY: Jude 1:20-21; 1:24; 2Pet.1:10; 1Cor.10:13.
    Rev.3:10 God has promise to keep the HOUR OF TEMPTATION from us IF we obey him (Rev.3:10).
    We are also taught in the Lord's prayer to pray lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil (Mat.6:13).
    2Peter 1:10 …Brothers, give diligence to make your calling & election sure: for IF you do these things, you will NEVER FALL.

  6. God will save everyone if we let him, but we have free will from when Adam ate the fruit in the garden of Eden, we now have the knowledge to do good or to do evil We try to do goo but without knowing Christ we will usually end up choosing to do evil.

  7. He knows the questions are hard, especially the one about what will happen to isolated people. His response is great even so. Ultimately, we don't know what will happen to them but, we do know that God is just and will not cheat people.

  8. I never understood this entire christian idea of heaven and hell. Maybe someone can explain it to me:
    Let´s say I kill a hundred children but on my deathbed I accept this Jesus as my eternal dictator and ask him to forgive my sins. What´s my punishment?
    Let´s say there is a Hindu mother who has never committed a single crime but has spent all her life caring for her family. What will be her reward?

  9. A seed was planted into everyone who heard that proclamation presented so beautifully. What was heard, cannot be unheard. Whether that seed is nurtured now or many years from now, is up to the people. 🌱 🙏

  10. That's right, our job is to spread the gospel, after that humans are given free will by GOD to respond to the news of salvation whether to believe it or reject it, so that salvation is indeed free if we respond to the news with "BELIEVE" that JESUS ​​CHRIST is the only way to GOD YHWH, that's what is written in our Bible, Lord Jesus bless us

  11. Those first few seconds. It really doesn't make any sense. In order to get into heaven, perfection. Are there people in heaven? Yes. Are they perfect? No. WHAAAAT??!!! Through grace, you become perfect? Instead of a straight up answer, it became a series of excuses. Don't even get me started by comparing it to air, "You can't see but you can feel." Well, yeah, you can FEEL, PHYSICALLY. Can you feel God in any of the five senses? No. The Big Bang Theory—if the world did not exist out of nowhere, and God was the purpose of the creation, then how did God exist? What, he also appeared out of nowhere? Please help me understand! Answer DIRECTLY as possible. Do not give excuses, do not relate it to personal experience.

  12. The girl did a good thing walking away because she knew she was debating with a wrong person, a person who is so brainwashed and determind to justify a story/imagination from a book that is written by people, which they believe are Gods words, why? because again they themselves wrote it 😂. I really appriciate the girl because she understood very quickly, that she can't win against a person like this👍

  13. Christ answered these questions also. He gave 3 parables. A woman sweeps her house to find 1 lost coin of ten. (Luke 15:8-10) The shepherd leaves his 99 sheep and goes to assist the 1 that has strayed. (Luke 15:3-6) The prodigal son returns home and his father embraces him while the brother who stayed home never suffered. (Luke 15:11-31) These parables may be interpreted to indicate how far God, through his Spirit and the Savior, will go to reach the lost. Those who are completely unaware (the lost coin) will be searched for and found. Those who have some awareness, but incomplete (the lost sheep) will be pursued. However, those who have a full or detailed understanding of the Father (the prodigal son and his brother) will be expected to stay home or return home, and the Father will be glad when they return, but he did not pursue the one who knew him and left. The questioner wonders how those who do not know God can be saved, but she is unaware of the work of God to pursue those who do not know Him as in the parables. She is also concerned about time. How can someone be saved before Christ was born? She thinks in terms of linear time, but God is and was and always will be. I do not believe God's grace is bound in a linear format and applies only prospectively. I believe the parables indicate that God has a plan to reach all people with the opportunity to accept salvation, and that opportunity extends throughout time. For someone like the questioner who may struggle with the existence of God, it may also be difficult to understand that the author of all creation and of the laws of time and space is not bound by that creation or by those laws. There are many accounts of God being unbound by the laws of time and space that control us (the sun standing still, storms obeying his son, waters receding, life returning to the dead, etc.), but to accept the idea of a creator who is above and beyond all that we know to exist requires faith. What good questions she asked. What a good heart to require and demand an explanation for the opportunity of salvation to all. God is not deaf to those questions, and he prepared the answers well before we learned to ask them. The Lord is patient, not wanting anyone to perish, but all to come to repentance. (2 Peter 3:9)


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