Prayer That Births Revival- Insights on Charles Finney

Cloud of Witnesses- Charles Finney and the Prayer That Births Revival Throughout Church history we have seen and needed …


  1. Yes l will agree mr nash and others were key to the power of Holy Spirit out pouring in these revivals….
    There were other important keys that were instrumental
    When Finney put the emphasis on the individual for his sin and which through the power of Holy Spirit brought deep conviction and deep repentance which was followed up with a Baptism of the Holy Spirit this brought a total transformation which lasted in many who received this..!
    Prayer is so important but also the real truth must be preached…

  2. I know what you mean about how sometimes “we have to pray to get into prayer.”

    There are times when I have no interest in God or prayer. When that happens I will often get down on my knees and confess my sin and wait… when I do that God is always faithful to come to me and ignite my heart for Him.

  3. Revival needs to take place in the churches first. Revived believers in the local church is what will sow the seeds of resurrection in our local/wider community – miracles signs and wonders will be sn added bonus but never the main attraction.

  4. The problem is Jesus told us to follow His words, not man's words. The TEST Father placed in the new T. is Pauline lies, the Pharisee who deceives the children. Jesus is the Deu 18 prophet. Mat 24 warns us, don't believe anyone who says they seen Jesus in the wilderness. Grace teaching is what Finney was fighting against. I have all Finney's books but he to did not see the lies of Paul.


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