Prayer Never Fails

An inspiring story about an up-and-coming high school basketball coach, on his way to a record number of wins, who is fired for praying with one of his players. From Writer/Director Wes Miller, and starring Nick Lashaway, Lorenzo Lamas, Corbin Bernsen & Clifton Davis, this story follows the journey of a coach destined to claim his God given calling. From termination to redemption, the single act of prayer leads to the realization that one man will do anything for the students that mean so much to him and that same act will redeem another man who has lost his way.


  1. This movie exemplifies the power of prayer. Never give up, continue to praise our Lord during times of trials and tribulations. There is no greater love than the love of our Savior Jesus Christ. Amen

  2. There most definitely is a God that does exist I have had many times in my life where I was destitute had nowhere to live was thrown out on the streets by my own parents so many times I was so afraid but I continue to trust in God and pray and he always came through for me I don’t know how people can say there is no God I pray all the time my life has been a literal nightmare since I was five years old but I had my faith in God all my life and he comes through for me every time praise the Lord and thank you guys for being my loving father and loving me every day and being with me always and they

  3. GOD is faithful and just , HE'S a very present help in our time of need such as NOW AND prayer is the ONLY sure thing WE have in this hour . " If MY ppl which are called by MY name would humble themselves , turn from their wicked way ,seek My face and PRAY, then I would hear from heaven and heal thier land" ! PRAY ! PRAY !PRAY 🙏🏼❤️

  4. Glory Hallelujah Amen 🙏 Want Almighty God do it. The Most High it's nothing to hard for Abba Father LORD God 🙏.Be ready King Jesus the Son of All mighty God is coming back be ready Church. To all sinner's give your life to Jesus Christ He is I'll only Saviour. I was a sinner Almighty God called me out of darkness in His Light. Jesus saves he saved me 🙏 Glory Hallelujah Amen. Salvation Romans chapter 10 verse 9 in the King James Holy Bible. Jehovah God so loved the whole that he sent his only begotten Son Jesus died for our sins. John chapter 3verse 16. Love you all but Jesus loves us unconditionally. Be blessed and I hope you give your life to Jesus our only Saviour. Run for life follow Jesus daily get saved it's not hard just believe Romans chapter 10 verse 9. Glory Hallelujah Amen 🙏

  5. Superb movie with great storyline, examples, & display of resilience & perseverance in the midst of the storm. My heart hurt to know of the death of the main actor shortly after the release of this film. I pray he had truly given his life to Jesus & I see him in the resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ🙏🏾…. love and prayers to those left behind of his family & loved ones

  6. Really great movie. It really gave me a cause for pause, as this was the actor, (Nick lashaway), who played Aiden, last role. He died in an automobile accident later in 2016.


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