Want God’s blessings – pray! God wants to bless us, and by not praying we narrow the channel through which He can bless us.


  1. It's always been my heart's desire to be used by God to pray for His beloved children who are suffering and in pain, hopeless and in bondage of sin. Almighty God please raise up an army of intercessors who will have the heart to weep for the lost, broken, suffering, hopeless, and dying. Use us as your vessel where your love, grace, mercy and compassion will flow unendingly. We love You Jesus. We praise You. We thank You. Hallelujah!!!

  2. richard graham khan – excellent message/teaching on: " Prayer- being God's flowing river and prayer directs it intothe lives of others". Therefore, men ought always to pray and by His grace some of us doing so. Amen. Thank you GODTv and Br. Reinhard.

  3. I can’t believe this. A great testimony that i must share to all HERPES patient in the world i never believed that their could be any complete cure for HERPES or any cure for HERPES, i saw people’s testimony on blog sites of how Dr Ediale prepare herbal cure and brought them back to life again. i had to try it too and you can,t believe that in just few weeks i started using it all my pains stop gradually and i had to leave without the HERPES DRUGS the doctor gave to me. Right now i can tell you that few weeks now i have not had any pain,delay in treatment leads to death. Here is his contact or WhatsApp . +2348109213597.
    Email: drediale8@gmail.com

  4. I can’t believe this. A great testimony that i must share to all HERPES patient in the world i never believed that their could be any complete cure for HERPES or any cure for HERPES, i saw people’s testimony on blog sites of how Dr Ediale prepare herbal cure and brought them back to life again. i had to try it too and you can,t believe that in just few weeks i started using it all my pains stop gradually and i had to leave without the HERPES DRUGS the doctor gave to me. Right now i can tell you that few weeks now i have not had any pain,delay in treatment leads to death. Here is his contact or WhatsApp . +2348109213597.
    Email: drediale8@gmail.com


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