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  1. Lord restore my business and restoremy fanacies and restoremy children who are struggling to live lord. myduaghter who is pregnant her strength and that of the baby for protection and give them safe delivery in Jesus name amen

  2. Father in name of Jesus restored years that has been wasted in my life, restored my marital settlement, restored my financial , remember my famiy whoever says my family won't rises Father in the name of Jesus i will rise my famiy open the doors of successful 🙏

  3. My father in heaven, my bestie, my treasured daddy in heaven, am your version here on earth am not permitted to suffer want. Lord restore back my marriage for Eleven Year. I have waited for you to bring back my husband. God of all season the season has come bring it to pass. System are put under pressure they loose their sleep rest and sound mind until what is mine get to me. Father release my Visa and that of my kids and help to take root, bud, blossom and spread with fruits without numbers in new Brunswick Canada in Jesus name amen. Thank you for answering my prayers..

  4. My father have been following you online and I enjoy your teaching please help me this is the place I want restoration I have a family with two kids on hand my wife in the house so I've been making money I'm a driver uber driver I miss so much money here in Lagos but I don't know where the money went to please help me play Over My Life I need restoration in place of gambling because I'm a serious gambler ever since I've been following you things seems to be different but I need it to be fully different so I can stop this live I'm leaving please I pray for your child my name is James John ushahemba

  5. However be grateful because you are the type of man of God I am looking for and I have found you I believe God is going to take me many places that I did not even deserve with you god is going to make a difference in my life thank you my father in the Lord may God anoint you are fresh you will never luck the presence of God in Jesus name help me my father in the Lord this is my situation thank you Jesus for answering my prayers foreign Jesus name


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